Thursday, October 31, 2019
Sonnet Poetry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Sonnet Poetry - Essay Example The poem has fourteen rhymed lines. Each of the lines consists of ten syllables. Per se, this is the basic form of the sonnet. It also has a variety of rhymes that count to seven pair’s altogether (Raymond & Alden). The poem is printed as an unbroken fourteen-liner rather than two sections of the eight lines and six lines. However, it is still possible to observe an octave and a sestet in the poem with a definite turn between them. The main introductory word between them is the word ‘but’. Sonnet 18 follows the structure of many English poems where it is divided lines of roughly ten syllables with five stresses (Raymond & Alden). The sonnet is also written in iambic form. It is observable that there are lines of poetry that repeatedly use an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. Shakespeare utilized rhythm in his works. The rhythm often conditions the manner in which the reader reads the poem. Per se, it also shapes the meaning within which, a reader deduces from the poem. Sonnet 18 has three ways it can be red, an octave, a sestet and also a three quatrains. Three quatrains mean three units of four lines followed by a closing couplet of two rhymed lines (Raymond & Alden). Sonnet 18 makes an immediate comparison between the poet’s friend and the beauty of a summer’s day. The poet uses the simile technique of comparing items. There are other lines that make use of metaphor to bring out the meaning such s line five. In line five, the sun becomes the eye of heaven (Raymond & Alden). The metaphor is also extended to line six where the sun becomes a human face with a good complexion. He also talks about summer and says that it is not going to fade away. ‘But thy eternal summer shall not fade. Comparing summer with youth is a perfect method of depicting optimism. It should be noted that winter is considered as a bad weather in which the sky is bleak; the wind is cold while summers are its
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Harlem Renaissance Essay Example for Free
Harlem Renaissance Essay I. Introduction The Atlantic slave trade caused the large movement of Africans across different parts of the world largely in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. This African Diaspora brought about eleven million of black people in the New World (P. Larson. â€Å"Reconsidering Trauma, Identity, and the African Diaspora: Enslavement and Historical Memory in Nineteenth-Century Highland Madagascar†). The descendants of those that were brought in the Americas, chiefly those in the United States working as slaves in the south, later experienced another diaspora: moving from the south to the north to escape the hardships brought about by intense racial discrimination. A large portion had settled in the city of Harlem, New York City which opened up a surge of excellent creative works done by blacks and became in vogue for some time. This period came to be known as the Harlem Renaissance, also variously known as the New Negro Movement, or the New Negro Renaissance. This was a period of outstanding creativity expressed in visual arts, writings, and music during this large movement of black population, wherein the African-American Diaspora has moved into larger cities. It changed the character of black American artworks, from conventional imitations of white artists to sophisticated explorations and expressions of black life and culture that revealed and stimulated a new confidence and racial pride. The movement centered in the vast black ghetto of Harlem, in New York City, thus the name of the movement. Harlem became the place of gathering for aspiring black artists, writers, and musicians, sharing their experiences and providing mutual encouragement for one another. The term Harlem â€Å"Renaissance†is a misnomer. If measured by quantity alone, it was more a birth than a â€Å"rebirth†, for never before had so many black Americans produced so much literary, artistic, and scholarly material at the same time. If measured by quality, however, it was actually a continuum, the quickening of a lively stream fed earlier by the important works of poet Paul Laurence Dunbar, novelist and short story writer Charles W. Chestnutt, poet and novelist Hames Weldon Johnson and the essays of Du Bois. The Harlem Renaissance created a significant breakthrough, wherein it marked the first time wherein literary and artistic works done by African Americans gained in national attention and interest. Doors of opportunities were opened for such works to be publicized and presented to the general public, which before were not possible. Although its main achievement is found primarily in literature, it also bore the great African-American works in politics and other creative mediums such as visual art, music, and theater that explored different aspects of black American life (R. Twombly. â€Å"Harlem Renaissance†). II. Background and Discussion During the early part of the 1900s, Black Nationalism and racial consciousness began to emerge particularly during the 1920’s. One key factor that helped this development was the surfacing of the black middle class, which in turn were brought about by the increasing number of educated blacks who had found employment opportunities and a certain degree of economic advancement after the American Civil War (â€Å"Harlem Renaissance†). During World War I, thousands of black people left the depressed rural South for jobs in northern defense plants. Known as the Great Migration, more African Americans established themselves in cities such as Harlem, in New York City. They were socially conscious, and became a center of political and cultural development of the black Americans. This population created racial tensions over housings and employment that resulted in increased black militancy about rights, including vigorous agitation by the national Association for the Advancement of colored People (NAACP) and other civil rights organizations. Foremost for this black movement’s agenda, which was expressed in various mediums, is to clamor for racial equality. Championing the cause were black intellectuals W.E. B. Du Bois and Alain Locke. White responses to these developments were both negative and positive. The Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups reached their peak of northern popularity during the 1920’s. At the same time unprecedented white interest in racial maters created a large audience for black authors who began to settle in the district of New York City known as Harlem. Like other black ghettoes, Harlem was a new, untapped source of themes and materials, which partially accounts for its popularity among artists and intellectuals, but unlike other ghettoes it was a newly constructed, fashionable, residential section. Functioning as a kind of black mecca, Harlem’s excellent housing, its prestige, excitement, and cosmopolitan flavor, attracted a black middle class from which sprang its artistic and literary set. A. General Characteristics Not all works during this movement is militant in nature. However, participants and contributors in the Renaissance were intensely race-conscious, proud of their heritage of being black, and much in love with their community. Most of them, some more subtly than others, criticized racial exploitation. Partly as a tribute to their achievements and partly as a reflection of their racial self-awareness, the Renaissance members were collectively called â€Å"New Negroes†, also indicating that they had replaced the (largely white created) literary image of the comic, pathetic plantation Negro with the proud, busy, independent black man of the northern city. The â€Å"New Negroes†were generally integrationists, optimistically interpreting their own individual successes as harbingers of improvement in race relations. Acceptance from Harpers, Harcourt, Brace, Viking, Boni Livewright, Knopf, and other front-line publishers began coming through quick succession, boosting more optimism among African-American contributors of the Harlem Renaissance. Rather than depicting a new movement of style, the art during the Harlem Renaissance is united by their common aspiration of depicting and expressing in artistic form the African-American psyche and life. Common characteristics can be found among such works such as the birth of racial pride among black Americans. This called for tracing its roots and origin by taking attention and interest to the life of blacks primarily in Africa and South America. Also, such strong social and racial consciousness brought a strong desire for equality in the American society, both socially and politically. But one of the most common and significant characteristic of the Harlem Renaissance was the abundant production of a variety of creative expressions. Diversity was the main distinctive quality, brought about by an experimental spirit of the movement such as in music which ranged from blues, jazz, to orchestra music. B. Primary Artist of the Harlem Renaissance: Aaron Douglas (1898-1979) The celebrated artist of the Harlem Renaissance was Aaron Douglas, who chose to depict the New Negro Movement through African images which bore â€Å"primitive†techniques: paintings in geometric shapes, flat, and rugged edges. In his works, Douglas wanted the viewers to know and recognize the African-American identity. As such, Aaron Douglas is often referred to as the â€Å"Father of African American Art†. Born in Topeka, Kansas, Douglas was able to finish his B.A degree. Moving to Harlem in 1925, Aaron immediately set to work, creating illustrations for prominent magazines of the Harlem Renaissance. Douglas was influenced in his modernist style under the tutelage of German artist Winold Reiss, a style which marked most of his celebrated works and incorporating both African and Egyptian strokes of illustration and design. It was Reis who encouraged Douglas to take African design into his works which became his trademark (â€Å"The Harlem Renaissance: Aaron Douglas†). Such manner of African â€Å"primitive†style caught the attention of the main proponents of the Harlem Renaissance, namely W.E.B. Dubois and Alain Locke who found Douglas’ works as an appropriate embodiment of the African-American heritage. They were encouraging young artists to depict their African legacy through their artworks. Even though at a time when DuBois stilled considered Henry Tanner more important, Douglas has fairly established a reputation as the leading visual artist of his time. Harlem Renaissance painters are united by the desire to promote and portray the life and condition of blacks, particularly African-Americans. However, at this point the similarity ends. Harlem Renaissance artworks are as varied in style as the artists themselves. Although like Douglas, most painters of this period received formal trainings and as such, their style and strokes are no different from other non-black artists. What only separate the artists of the Harlem Renaissance from others are their themes and subjects. III. Conclusion A. Ending and Significance As a conclusion, one of the strengths of the Harlem Renaissance was also a serious weakness. Because they were dependent on white patrons and viewers for popularity, black artists were not fully free to explore the mechanisms that perpetrated racial injustice, nor could they propose solutions unacceptable to whites. Furthermore, when the Great Depression dominated American life during the 1930’s, the whites, who had been the bulk of the Renaissance audience, concentrated on economics and politics, oblivious to black American suffering. American arts and letters took up new themes, and although the best artists continued to work, they ultimately lost popularity. The Great Depression drove many black artists to scatter; and were mostly forced to leave New York or to take other jobs to tide them over the hard times. Creativity was drowned by necessity. Nevertheless, despite its many weaknesses and disadvantages, the Harlem Renaissance was a milestone in black American culture and the basis for later achievements.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
How Technology Has Progressed Over The Years History Essay
How Technology Has Progressed Over The Years History Essay Throughout history technology has been progressing very rapidly. Man has created things that are used in daily life everyday. Inventions from the creation of fire to the telephone have changed life immensely. In the year 2010 people do not notice how life would be without our everyday tools such as the computer or the light bulb. People today heavily rely on these items that it would be very difficult to live without them. One invention that changed life was the creation of the automobile. Looking back the automobile has been here for a very long time. Since the 1700s Man has tried to create a tool that would help someone progress faster than on foot. From the steam engine to the electric car the automobiles design has came a long way. The automobile was created for one simple method of easy and faster way of travel. Through time the automobiles main function has changed. When it was created its sole purpose was just take someone from point A to point B. In the 1930s the role of cars changed. During the 1930s America was going through the Great depression. The Great Depression was a very struggling time for many Americans. Many families were forced into poverty and their everyday lifestyle changed. Cars became a big part of society. Even with many people in debt during that time there was still a need to have social class. The few individuals that could afford to pay for more luxurious cars bought to show how hard times do not affect them. Back then cars did not come with all the gadgets they have today but there was a difference in class. Cars were not just a method of travel but to some during those times, it was there home. In the 1930s there was a variety of new innovative cars being processed into the world. In the 1920s America was going through the vintage era. In the 1920s most cars were just a luxury but through time it became easier for cars to become produced faster and cheaper. New techniques such as the assembly line help build the widespread of cars. The ford model t was one of the first cars to be mass-produced with the assembly line. By the time the 1930s came around cars have already been apart of average American life. When the Great depression hit the production of cars in America had decreased immensely. Cars such as the Auburn 1931 Convertible Cabriolet were very affordable during those times. It was priced at $1045 Includes finest leather upholstery specially designed window construction that positively prevents rattle finger tip door handles and adjustable steering wheel in the Convertible Cabriolet. Another Car that set new standaards for cars was the Cadillac v-16. The new car attr acted rave reviews from the press and huge public attention. Cadillac started production of the new car immediately. January production averaged a couple of cars per day, but was then ramped up to twenty-two cars per day. By April, 1,000 units had been built, and by June, 2,000 cars. These could be ordered with a wide variety of bodywork. The Fleetwood catalog for the 1930 V-16 included 10 basic body styles; there was also an envelope containing some 30 additional designers drawings. Research by the Cadillac-La Salle Club, Inc. puts at 70 the number of different job/style numbers built by Fisher and Fleetwood on the sixteen chassis. Beginning in June 1930, six new V-16s participated in a promotional tour of major European cities including Paris, Antwerp, Brussels, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Berlin, Cologne, Dresden, Frankfurt, Hamburg, MÃ ¼nich, NÃ ¼remberg, Vienna (where they won prizes), Berne, Geneva, Lausanne, ZÃ ¼rich, Madrid, San Sebastian, La Baule and Ange rs. On the return journey from Spain, the V16 caravan stopped also in the town of Cadillac, in south-western France, although that city bears no relationship to the marque, other than its name. After the peak in V-16 orders in mid 1930, production fell precipitously. During October 1930, only 54 cars were built. The lowest figures for the 452/452A cars of 1930-31 were August 1931 (7 units) and November 1931 (6 units). Minimum production continued throughout the rest of the decade with a mere 50 units being built both in 1935 and in 1937. 1940 was only marginally better with a total of 51 units. Not surprisingly, Cadillac later estimated that they lost money on every single V-16 they sold. But during that time your car was not just a car but your home. In the 1930s because of the great depression, your car became your home for many. The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World War II. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations, but in most countries it started in about 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s or early 1940s. It was the longest, most widespread, and deepest depression of the 20th century, and is used in the 21st century as an example of how far the worlds economy can decline. The depression originated in the United States, starting with the stock market crash of October 29, 1929 (known as Black Tuesday), but quickly spread to almost every country in the world. Many people because of this had lost there homes because they could not afford to live in it anymore, they began to use there cars as there homes. The first mobile homes were created during the 1930s. In order to save on gas people would use there cars as a wagon by attaching horses to the vehicle. Man y farmers used this method to travel. The term hitchhike was first originated in the 1930s.Because not everyone could afford a car but needed to travel,they would try to hitch a ride with passer byers.Many people charged hitchhikers a small fee.People tried to make business of each other in order to fight the depression. The idea that in order to survive ment that you had to do anything in order to save yourself. Your car was probably the only item that you kept since the depression. Everything that would not help americans would get rid off because it would only hold them back from survival. Even with the Great Depression there were stilll grand prix racing taking place. Beginning in 1934, the Germans stopped painting their cars, after the paint had been left off a Mercedes-Benz W25 in an effort to reduce weight. The unpainted metal soon had the German vehicles dubbed by the media as the Silver Arrows.French cars continued to dominate (led by Bugatti, but also including Delage and Delahaye) until the late 1920s, when the Italians (Alfa Romeo and Maserati) began to beat the French cars regularly. At the time, the Germans engineered unique race vehicles as seen in the photo here with the Benz aerodynamic teardrop body introduced at the 1923 European Grand Prix at Monza by Karl Benz. In the 1930s, however, nationalism entered a new phase when the Nazis encouraged Mercedes and Auto Union to further the glory of the Reich. (The government did provide some money to the two manufacturers, but the extent of the aid into their hands was exaggerated in the media; government subsid ies amounted to perhaps 10% or less of the costs of running the two racing teams.)[6] The two German marques utterly dominated the period from 1935 to 1939, winning all but three of the official Championship Grands Prix races run in those years. The cars by this time were single-seaters (the riding mechanic vanished in the early 1920s), with 8 to 16 cylinder supercharged engines producing upwards of 600Â hp (450Â kW) on alcohol fuels. As early as October 1923, the idea of an automobile championship was discussed at the annual autumn conference of the AIACR (Association Internationale des Automobile Clubs Reconnus) in Paris. However, discussion centered around the increased interest in racing by manufacturers and holding the first European Grand Prix at Monza in 1923. The first World Championship took place in 1925, but it was for manufacturers only, consisting of four races of at least 800Â km (497Â mi) in length. The races that formed the first Constructors Championship wer e the Indianapolis 500, the European Grand Prix, and the French and Italian Grands Prix. A European Championship, consisting of the major Grand Prix in a number of countries (named Grandes Epreuves) was instituted for drivers in 1935, and was competed every year until the outbreak of World War II in 1939. Cars during 1930s influenced American life in many ways. They set a new standard for living. Even with the hard times and stuggle americans still felt the importance of buying cars. Automobiles has been something since time that had grabbed Americas wallets since the begginging. Today there is still the same basic need ot have the best car. Every year there is a new must have design that people want to buy. Cars are something that is a basic necessity. No one knows what will be the next big thing in the automobile indusrty.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Anti-kickback Implications of a Retail Medical Center (RMC) Essay
During the last two decades the health delivery system has been revolutionized. Many patients no longer visit the traditional medical facility system but choose to visit RMCs to receive limited medical care. The new phenomena are known as RMCs and are a new delivery service for health-care services. As far back as 1995, Newt Gingrich predicted that patients would â€Å"go to Canada or Wal-Mart.†For example, retail medical clinics appear in pharmacies, grocery stores, and big-box retailers like Wal-Mart, offering basic health care services. Furthermore, retail stores have joined in the health-care fray in an effort to increase sales in the retail stores either through increased pharmacy sales or as an increased traffic in other areas of the stores. By establishing the medical clinics in retails stores, it allows the patient to experience more efficiency with the delivery of medical services. For example, when I have cold or flu symptoms, I make a quick trip to the ret ail clinic and see the Nurse Practitioner within fifteen minutes rather than spending hour visiting the traditional clinic in the Houston Medical Center. Patients could spend an hour or two in visiting the traditional doctor while a trip to the retail medical clinic could spend as little as fifteen minutes waiting for their appointment. Additionally, during the time that the patient is visiting the retail medical clinic, the one could shop for other items within the store such as groceries or soft goods thus increasing the efficiency of medical visits. In some cases, the retail centers are even providing an electronic device to notify the patient when the medical representative is available to see the patient. Facts: Ready Clinic (â€Å"The Company†) will create a... ...f the anti-kickback statute. First, a requestor may not use a hypothetical situation as the basis of their advisory opinion; therefore, Ready Care must indicate that the coupon practice will be a practice that they seek to put in place. Seeking an advisory opinion should be used judiciously, as the process is quite lengthy and may be very expensive due to the legal costs. The company’s operations could be exposed to more scrutiny by their request for a ruling. Furthermore, a ruling should not be sought where the law is unambiguous. In the case of the coupon, the law does not appear to be ambiguous. Additionally, although the OIG has stated that the fact that an advisory opinion does not qualify for a safe harbor or receive a favorable treatment by the OIG, a negative ruling does not indicate that the anti-kickback statute has been violated. Anti-kickback Implications of a Retail Medical Center (RMC) Essay During the last two decades the health delivery system has been revolutionized. Many patients no longer visit the traditional medical facility system but choose to visit RMCs to receive limited medical care. The new phenomena are known as RMCs and are a new delivery service for health-care services. As far back as 1995, Newt Gingrich predicted that patients would â€Å"go to Canada or Wal-Mart.†For example, retail medical clinics appear in pharmacies, grocery stores, and big-box retailers like Wal-Mart, offering basic health care services. Furthermore, retail stores have joined in the health-care fray in an effort to increase sales in the retail stores either through increased pharmacy sales or as an increased traffic in other areas of the stores. By establishing the medical clinics in retails stores, it allows the patient to experience more efficiency with the delivery of medical services. For example, when I have cold or flu symptoms, I make a quick trip to the ret ail clinic and see the Nurse Practitioner within fifteen minutes rather than spending hour visiting the traditional clinic in the Houston Medical Center. Patients could spend an hour or two in visiting the traditional doctor while a trip to the retail medical clinic could spend as little as fifteen minutes waiting for their appointment. Additionally, during the time that the patient is visiting the retail medical clinic, the one could shop for other items within the store such as groceries or soft goods thus increasing the efficiency of medical visits. In some cases, the retail centers are even providing an electronic device to notify the patient when the medical representative is available to see the patient. Facts: Ready Clinic (â€Å"The Company†) will create a... ...f the anti-kickback statute. First, a requestor may not use a hypothetical situation as the basis of their advisory opinion; therefore, Ready Care must indicate that the coupon practice will be a practice that they seek to put in place. Seeking an advisory opinion should be used judiciously, as the process is quite lengthy and may be very expensive due to the legal costs. The company’s operations could be exposed to more scrutiny by their request for a ruling. Furthermore, a ruling should not be sought where the law is unambiguous. In the case of the coupon, the law does not appear to be ambiguous. Additionally, although the OIG has stated that the fact that an advisory opinion does not qualify for a safe harbor or receive a favorable treatment by the OIG, a negative ruling does not indicate that the anti-kickback statute has been violated.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Finding my father
My clothes felt like a cold, damp extension of my body, as I lay panting on the floor. Blood, water, sweat, I wasn't sure what it was. At this moment, I was just glad to be alive. As I attempted to pick myself up off the rough asphalt, I felt a warm liquid well up in the depths of my throat, as I retched onto the ground. Oddly, this wasn't how I normally felt at 11am on a Thursday morning. My name is Alex Watson. Alex was after my father, a man who I heard a great deal about, but never met. My mother was only a college girl when she met my father. He was dead before I was born. When I asked my mother about it, she got angry, or said she was tired, anything to avoid my questions. In the end, I just had to get on with my life. I moved to New York, into an apartment block which encapsulated the bleak misery of city life. You eventually learn to block out the sirens, gunshots and screaming. About a year ago, I got an urge to discover who my father was, beyond the facade of distorted facts my mother decided to disclose to me. For some reason, I needed to know. I needed to know the truth, and seeing as nobody was going to tell me, I decided to look for myself. The task turned out to be the proverbial needle in the haystack. The problem with my father was, he liked to keep a low profile. So much so that, until I was sixteen, I had no idea what he did for a living. Anything I did find out about him was on a need to know basis. Discovering my father wasn't going to be as easy as I first imagined. Home was not exactly an awe-inspiring. My roommates where cockroaches, and a stray cat who I had named Takeshi. These more than minor inconveniences allowed me some pleasures, such drowning my sorrows in â€Å"The Manhattan†, a bar so close to my apartment that I could wander out if it drunk and fall into my bed†¦or at least the floor. This was my escape, my salvation from the nine to five drudgery of my life. I was never good at working in boxes. I worked as a retail technician for a major electrical appliance company. I answered phone calls from people whose children had put jam sandwiches in their VCR's, or people phoning me asking why the cup holder on their new computer was broken. I was supposed to respond to them in a cheerful, knowledgeable manner, but most of the time I had to concentrate on not screaming and slamming the phone down. However, their phone calls did break the monotony of staring at a prefabricated cardboard wall, rules and codes of conduct staring at me in the face. I felt trapped. I felt like I needed to escape, a release from my life. It's probably normal to, at some point or other, question your existence on this planet. Why are you here? What's so special about you? In my case, I took a long hard look at myself, and found nothing. Nada. Jack shit. I could find no real reason for me to be on this earth. And to be completely honest, this didn't surprise me. I had always been decidedly average. My only sense of purpose was finding the truth about my father, but to do that I needed money, and to get money I needed to work. Unfortunately, as I've already stated, my job was like a nine to five lecture on the art of watching paint dry. What I needed was a miracle. What I got was a blessing in disguise. â€Å"Sir, you can't stay here, it's public endangerment!†. I can't say I ever heard these words, my drunken demeanour, as well the cacophony of the halted cars horns, prevented them from reaching my ears as I wandered down the middle of a road. I tripped over my own feet, and landed back first. â€Å"Back owf!†I warned, â€Å"I'm armsed!†. I swung my whiskey bottle wildly, until it flung off and hit the floor. â€Å"Crap†I murmured before passing out. Two hours later, conscious and sober, when I was informed of the events, I can't say I was surprised. My excuse? I was bored. However, when I told this to the police, they were less than impressed. I was expecting them to throw me into one of their first class, luxurious cells for the night, and maybe, if I'm luck, beaten to a pulp for saying I supported the wrong football team. But if I've learnt anything, it's that life's a bitch, and you never get what you want. Simply a clip round one ear and a â€Å"Don't do that again!†in the other. Jesus, my mother gave me better telling off than that when I was seven! Slightly disheartened at the state of the judicial and law enforcement services, I made my way towards the door, and the unbearable natural light of the afternoon. As I did this, I glanced over at the desk. She was there. The woman who arrested me last night, when I decided to take a walk on the wrong side of the road†¦figuratively and literally. Suddenly, I felt something I hadn't expected. I felt a twinge of guilt. It was a feeling I hadn't felt in a long time, not since before I started destroying my mind with drink. I felt guilty for what I had done, I felt like I needed to apologise. I crept over to the desk, unsure of what to say, but sure of what to do. â€Å"Excuse me miss. Er†¦I†¦wanted to say that†¦er†¦I'm sorry about last night.†Normally I'm a little more articulate than that, but the effects of last night's binge hadn't quite worn off. â€Å"That's ok.†She said, as her face broke into a smile. It was at this point I noticed something that had escaped me last night, (possibly because my eyesight was in a less than perfect state). This woman, smiling at me from behind the desk, was beautiful, not in a catwalk super model kind-of-way, which had never appealed to me, but in a regular, every day kind of way. Her smile was kind and gentle, and her deep brown eyes sparkled in the hazy mid-day sun. She was stunning in a subtle way. I was falling for her, and I could feel it. Her smile broke as she spoke again, â€Å"Normally, I get a nasty sneer off people, and that's off the nice ones. But I could tell you were different, even when I first saw you.†Her face broke into a smile again, and I just hoped I wasn't staring at her. â€Å"I don't know†¦I just knew you where different.†I returned the smile, the first real smile I had had in months. â€Å"Thank you. Hopefully, I'll see you around.†She smiled at me, â€Å"Hopefully not under the same circumstances, but we can live in hopes otherwise.†As I walked out of the door, the painful brightness of the midday sun couldn't dampen my mood. I was no closer to finding my father, but maybe a step closer to finding myself.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Costco case Analysis Essay
1. What is Costco’s business model? Is the company’s business model appealing? Why or why not? Costco’s business model is focused on producing high sales volumes and rapid inventory turnover by offering members low prices on a limited selection of national name brands and select private-label products in a wide range variety. Costco is focused in low-cost strategy is concentrated on a narrow buy segment and out competing rivals by having lower costs, therefore being able serve a niche consumers at a lower price. (Gamble, John and Thompson, Arthur (2009). Costco’s business model is appealing because they are able to continually sell to a niche market. This niche market has annual income which ranges from $75,000 to $100,000 or more a year. By offering the best products possible at lower price, they are able to have these members return. Presently there are 47,679,000 card holders which include Executive members, Business member, Primary cardholders and Add-on cardholders. Whereas Costco has offered the most popular products in order to have a rapid turn-over. Cost co has proven that there business strategy has worked by continually producing higher net sale. 2. What are the chief elements of Costco’s strategy? How good is the strategy? Strategy is the organization’s pre selected that means to achieve its goals or objectives, while keeping in view current and future external conditions. Costco’s strategy’s elements are low prices, limited product lines and selection and treasure hunt shopping environment. Costco’s is following cost leadership strategy which is good because on this base they can compete with their competitors. By limited product lines and limited selection they are offering limited 4000 items which are less as compared to its competitors. Costco’s is adopted market development strategy by capturing new markets for existing products. Also it provides such product at low prices to its members which they believe will not be available in next visit. This works as an incentive and members try to take maximum advantage and therefore Costco’s sales volume increases. At Costco’s warehouse products are not offered in every size. The strategy they followed is th at by offering every size their efficiency will decrease therefore it is said intelligent loss of sales. 3. Do you think Jim Sinegal has been an effective CEO? What grades would you give him in leading the process of crafting and executing Costco’s strategy? What support can you offer for these grades? Refer to figure 2.1 in Chapter in developing your answers. Jim Sinegal is an effective CEO after gone through the case study. There are various reasons which show that Mr. Jim Sinegal was responsible to lead the path of strategy effectively. First, Jim Sinegal had made a transparent and well defined planned path for the Costco to follow. He was the only person in the company for the preparation of business model and appreciated over the growth of the strategy of the company. He had know how skills and created an environment to offer treasure hunt in the stores and maintain low prices and helps in promoting large volume of store traffic that helped in building quick turnover of inventory. He was responsible for driving the ability of the company to achieve yearly sales nearly to $130 million per store. According to the case study Sinegal had performed excellent job in the execution of the strategy process at Costco. He performed three functions in the company as producer, knowledgeable critic and director. He went to stores for investigation for checking out the performance of store managers and asked various questions from them, about the performance of stores and told them to do more work on their weak areas. In this case, when Sinegal found answers to his questions less than expected than he told store managers to do more research and come back with sufficient information. 4. What core values or business principle has Jim Sinegal stressed at Costco? The main business principle activity of Costco is to provide high value to users by offering global and local tag products at low prices, also it integrates its employees in a very nicely way. Jim Sinegal wanted to say that these two principal activities reflected in working environment of Costco which makes them profitable throughout the world as compared to other conventional wholesalers and merchandisers. 5. (in the event you have covered Chapter 3) What is competition like in the North America wholesale club industry? Which of the five competitive forces is strongest and why? Use the information in Figures 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8 (and the related discussions in Chapter 3) to do a complete five-forces analysis of competition in the North American wholesale club industry. The wholesale club industry has evolved into a common oligopoly just as other major industries have. The â€Å"big three†of this industry are Costco, Sam’s Club, and BJ’s. A five forces analysis will be examined in regards to the wholesale club industry. Force one, barriers to entry; the three companies are at an advantage because of the difficulty of new firms entering the industry. They accomplish economies of scale and scope due to the size and volume of their sales by buying and selling more goods on a larger scale with lower costs. It would take a considerable amount of time for a new entrant to achieve the benefits of economies of scale. The capital requirements are large due to the construction of buildings and acquisition of land and licenses. Only companies with an established distribution network would have a fair chance of entering the industry. Force two, the threat of substitutes, is not a factor because the service they offer is not offered by other outside competitors. Force three, the bargaining power of buyers, is the strongest force working in the favor of the industry. This is so because buyers cannot negotiate the price. The main reason customers come to wholesale clubs is they are attracted by the already low prices and value of buying in bulk. Force four, the bargaining power of suppliers could come into play if a more favorable opportunity presents itself in the general retail industry. Wholesale clubs offer only a percentage of the products that a general retailer does. A key strategy of Costco is aimed squarely at selling top-quality merchandise at prices consistently below what other wholesalers or retailers charge. Force fifth, rivalry among existing players, is not a major factor. Costco, the runaway leader presently, offers the â€Å"treasure hunt†deals where extreme bargains are offered for short, unannounced periods of time. This creates buzz amongst customers by enticing them to return on a consistent basis to explore what â€Å"treasures†are available. BJ’s sets itself apart by being the only club among the three to accept manufacturer’s coupons. They also are the only club to accept all four major credit cards, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express, at all locations. They also offer a broader assortment of items as compared to Sam’s and Costco. 6. Base on the data in case Exhibits 1 and 4, is Costco’s financial performance superior to that at Sam’s Club and BJ’s wholesale? 7. Does the data in case Exhibit Exhibit 2 indicate that Costco’s expansion outside the U.S. is financially successful? Why or why not? 8. How well is Costco performing from a strategic perspective? Does Costco enjoy a competitive advantage over Sam’s Club? Over BJ’S Whole sale? If so, what is the nature of its competitive advantage? Does Costco have a winning strategy? Why or why not? Costco has been playing very successful in the wholesaling industry as it can be seen from its business strategies. First of all, for the purpose of supporting the Costco’s business model of generating high sales volumes and rapid inventory turnover, Costco members are given a limited selection of nationally branded and select private label products in a wide range of merchandise categories. Then Costco combine its rapid inventory turnover with the operating efficiencies to run the business profitably at significant lower gross margins than traditional wholesales, mass merchandisers, supermarkets and supercenters. As a result, Costco takes advantages of its high sales volume and rapid inventory turnover to obtain the benefits of early payment discounts from merchandise vendors due to the high sales volume and rapid inventory turnover allow Costco to generate enough cash in account. Secondly, the pricing strategy of Costco is key factors to support the low price business strategy which is to cap the margins on branded name merchandise at 14 percent so that its members can buy with low price. Thirdly, Costco focus to offer limited selection that is about 4000 items with fast selling models, sizes and colors, and target the small businesses for its commercial and professional models selling. Furthermore, advertising and sales campaigns are not being used frequently by Costco for the marketing strategy and the company only launches campaigns for new warehouse openings. In addition, Costco also use direct mail to prospective new members occasionally and direct mail programs promoting selected merchandise to members regularly. Opening more new warehouses, building an ever larger and fiercely loyal membership base and employing well executed merchandising techniques to encourage members to shopping more frequently with big trip are the main central growth strategy of Costco. Moreover, online shopping is another alternative that Costco offered to members so as to make their shopping more convenient rather than switch to competitors. In addition, Majority of merchandise is owned by Costco, and the company also builds direct buying relationships with many producers of national brand name merchandise and manufacturers and this result in the available of flexible alternatives of suppliers for Costco in anytime to have sufficient of stocked merchandise. Also, Costco’s membership base and member demographics contains powerful buying ability as it mainly target the individual customers with minimum income of $75000 and 30 percent of the targeted customers earn more than $100000 annually. For the purpose of executing Costco’s strategy successfully, the company offer biannual bonuses and full spectrum of benefits for its employees. More important, the promoting opportunities will consider the insiders first based on the company policy. Other factors that determine the success of Costco also include the business philosophy, values and code of ethics such as obey the law and governmental regulations, take of members, take of employees, respect suppliers and business partners, and reward the shareholders. Costco is beating both Sam’s Club and BJ’s wholesale in net sales and market share. However, Sam’s Club has launched an aggressive campaign to increase its market share. 9. Are Costco’s prices too low? Why or why not? Yes, because the gross profit margin falls into the normal range for this industry. However, it should be trending upward and as you can see it is actually decreasing slightly. If this trend continues, steps will need to be taken to correct the problem. Another probability indicator, return on stockholder equity indicates that the company has a problem. Average returns are around 12%, which Costco was nearing in 2004 and 2005. In2006, the company experienced a sharp decline which is causing for concern. Investigate this decline. It could be due to low profits after taxes. If the pricing is too low, this can happen. Currently, Sinegal, admittedly, tries to sell products at the lowest price possible for longevity. However, if the investors in the firm are not making appropriate returns for the risk, they will invest elsewhere. The current ratio figure is in the average range but on the decline. The debt to equity shows a strong balance sheet and low levels of debt. It is trending downward. The inventory turnover rate is slightly higher than average, indicating that Costco is outperforming competitors in moving product. Also cause for concern is the fact that the working capital is shrinking. This might indicate the inability to expand without a loan. 10. What do you think of Costco’s compensation practices? Does it surprise you that Costco employees apparently are rather well-compensated? Costco’s compensation and benefits are higher than those at walmart. Salaried employees in Costco warehouses could earn anywhere from $30000 to $125000 anually. Costco employees enjoyed a benefit package that included the following points. Health and dental care plans. A dependant care reimbursement plan. Confidential professional counseling services. Company paid long term disability coverage equal to 60%,of earning for workers that were out for more than 180 days on a non-worker’s compensationleave of absence. Generous life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment coverage. An employee stock purchase plan. 11. What recommendations would you make to Costco top management regarding how best to sustain the company’s growth and improve its financial performance? Costco is a company that have some criticism, such as people has to wait for a long time to pay their products. However costco doeS not have big problems that desperately need to be fixed. So it should stand in the same course using the present strategy. I think Costco has the capacity to continue investing in new stores and grow sales. It can also expand sales by introducing new products line, like furniture. The company has the financial resources to keep growing its business and open more warehouse locations
Free Essays on The Jewelry
Guy de Maupassant’s short story â€Å"The Jewelry†is a critical look at the nineteenth century French bourgeois’ lust for wealth. Maupassant was born in France near the city of Dieppe and lived from 1850-1893. This time frame is critical because â€Å"Maupassant took the subjects for his pessimistic stories and novels chiefly from the Norman peasant life, the Franco-Prussian War, the behavior of the bourgeoisie, and the fashionable life of Paris.†(, 1st paragraph) He was also known for writing about things that had occurred to him, and just fantasized them. In the story â€Å"The Jewelry†the main character M. Lantin is a civil servant working under the Minister of the interior. Maupassant held two very similar functions just before the time he wrote this story. â€Å"Between the years 1872 and 1880 Maupassant was a civil servant, first at the ministry of maritime affairs, then at the ministry of education.†(kir, 5th paragraph) The role of the bourgeois is very important in this story because M. Lantin falls into this social class. â€Å"Bourgeoisie, in socioeconomic theory, the social order that is dominated by the so-called middle class.†(Encyclopedia Britannica, Book #2 page 428) Because of the industrial revolution in the nineteenth century, â€Å"the medieval craftsman began to separate into two classes – the employers and the employees – and the growth of a new kind of class consciousness tended to restrict the idea of bourgeois to the employers. Thus arose a system of economic and social classification that emphasized the distinction between bourgeoisie (or capitalists) and proletariat (nobles).†(Encyclopedia Britannica, Book #2 page 428-429) Since the bourgeois of de Maupassant’s time was a capitalist, he was always lusting for wealth. The whole capitalist idea is geared towards profits, to be used as capital to make more profits. The word itself ... Free Essays on The Jewelry Free Essays on The Jewelry Guy de Maupassant’s short story â€Å"The Jewelry†is a critical look at the nineteenth century French bourgeois’ lust for wealth. Maupassant was born in France near the city of Dieppe and lived from 1850-1893. This time frame is critical because â€Å"Maupassant took the subjects for his pessimistic stories and novels chiefly from the Norman peasant life, the Franco-Prussian War, the behavior of the bourgeoisie, and the fashionable life of Paris.†(, 1st paragraph) He was also known for writing about things that had occurred to him, and just fantasized them. In the story â€Å"The Jewelry†the main character M. Lantin is a civil servant working under the Minister of the interior. Maupassant held two very similar functions just before the time he wrote this story. â€Å"Between the years 1872 and 1880 Maupassant was a civil servant, first at the ministry of maritime affairs, then at the ministry of education.†(kir, 5th paragraph) The role of the bourgeois is very important in this story because M. Lantin falls into this social class. â€Å"Bourgeoisie, in socioeconomic theory, the social order that is dominated by the so-called middle class.†(Encyclopedia Britannica, Book #2 page 428) Because of the industrial revolution in the nineteenth century, â€Å"the medieval craftsman began to separate into two classes – the employers and the employees – and the growth of a new kind of class consciousness tended to restrict the idea of bourgeois to the employers. Thus arose a system of economic and social classification that emphasized the distinction between bourgeoisie (or capitalists) and proletariat (nobles).†(Encyclopedia Britannica, Book #2 page 428-429) Since the bourgeois of de Maupassant’s time was a capitalist, he was always lusting for wealth. The whole capitalist idea is geared towards profits, to be used as capital to make more profits. The word itself ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Pressure System Essays
Pressure System Essays Pressure System Essay Pressure System Essay A Pressure system with two resistances Consider a pressure system with tank of volume V and varying pressure P at constant temperature. Fl is inlet flow through resistance RI with source pressure Pl. F2 is output flow through resistance R2 and flowing out at pressure P2. As the flows into and out of the tank are both influenced by the tank pressure, both flow resistances affect the time constant. A typical control problem would be to manipulate one flow rate (either in or out) to maintain a desired drum pressure. Variables: Controlled variable: P Manipulated variable: F2 Disturbance variable: Fl Here we develop a model that describes how the tank pressure varies with the inlet and outlet flow rates. Making a mass balance, Accumulation in the tank = Input flow rate (Fl) Output flow rate (F2) Flows (Ohms law is I = Driving Force Resistance dp dt RIR2 V (Rl+R2) RI +R2 RI R2 ( RI +R2) + ( Rl+R2) rp dP+p = KI Pl+K2P2 Where Kl= (Eq. l) VRI R2 Taking Laplace transform of equation (Eq. l) ps P(S) + P(S) = KI PI'(S) + K2P2(S) P(S) (1+ IPS) = KI PI'(S) + K2 P2(S) 1+1 s + KI P2(S) (Eq. 2) Equation 2 can be represented in a block diagram as below: rps+l rp S+l A Block Diagram of a pressure system with two resistances Assume: RI = 2 rntn,t-n3; R2 v=5rn3 2+4 20 3 6. 6676mtn l. Processing Without Control Where K ? 4 = 0. 667; Assuming step change from 2 m3/min to 3 m3/min in the disturbance variable: S(3S+1) Disturbance response without Control 0. 8 0. 4 0. 2 10 50 time (min) II. Proportional Integral Control for the Disturbance Changes Process: Process Transfer function: Gp(s) = Disturbance Transfer function: Gd(s) = I-I(S) Pressure Sensor-Transmitter (Analyzer): Gm(s) = Km m s+l but negligible dynamics > > > Gm(s) = Km Pm(s) = Gm(s)Pa(s) Block diagram for the pressure sensor-tramsmitter pa(S) m S+l Pm(s) Controller (PI controller): GC(S) = ) pa(S) = Control Valve: GV(S) = KV Pt'(S) o. S+l ; but negligible dynamics r > > > Comparator: E(s) = P sp (s) P m (s) P sp (s) = K m P sp (s) Block diagram for the entire process: Rd(S Psp(s) P sp (s) KC(I + ) pa(S) KIP PLI(S) Where: Y=controlled variable U=manipulated variable D=disturbance variable (also referred to as load variable) P=controller output E=error signal Ym=measured value of Y Ysp=set point sp=internal set point (used by the controller) Yu=change in Y due to U Yd=change in Y due to D Gc=controller transfer function GFtransfer function for final control element (including K , if required) IP Gp=process transfer function Gd=disturbance transfer function
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Satelite radio vs. terrestrial radio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Satelite radio vs. terrestrial radio - Essay Example These things grew a bit lax as time went on, and after the invention of the video cassette recorder, nothing was ever the same. Before, choices in films were very limited. Whatever was on the marquee was the entertainment for the evening. Now, not only do we enjoy greater selection, but also have the freedom to watch certain parts of a film over and over again, making sure we miss nothing. How does this compare to the differences between satellite and terrestrial radio? Although presently, satellite radio is too new to really look upon with the 20/20 vision of hindsight, we do have the freedom to speculate about the future. In his book, James Wood says that â€Å"Every new medium of information has made advances on the previous generation of technology and in so doing has established new values, created an awareness of increased potential, and thereby stimulated a greater demand. †¦we will take a look at exactly how the radio evolution has effected our society both now, and make projections about its effects upon the future.†(James Wood, Satellite Communications and DBS Systems.) There is more to â€Å"terrestrial†radio than how it is broadcast. Terrestrial radio’s disadvantages are many: it is lower in both availability (some areas which are mountainous are the most challenging) as well as sound quality, its programming provides much less variety; because it is free, it necessitates more commercials, and because it is available to the public, it is subject to much more government regulation and censorship. (Wikipedia, under â€Å"satellite radio.†) But do these disadvantages necessarily outweigh its arguable superiority to satellite radio in terms of its cultural value? Are some of them truly disadvantages? True, terrestrial radio offers less in the way of variety, but this fact may be a plus. Terrestrial radio is LOCAL radio, something that satellite radio never will be. Yes, the choices in music are less diverse, but they
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Great Depression Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Great Depression - Assignment Example These issues contributed to the Great Depression on the domestic front, however, President Hoover felt that much of the cause for America’s financial crisis could be found in international affairs; because European credit and income was highly dependent on the United States, when the U.S. lessened European investments we lessened their demand for United States goods and services. That said, the America economy was plummeting and not improving. The culmination of the Great Depression arrived on â€Å"Black Tuesday,†in October 29, 1929, when the stock market crashed and, both, individuals and companies, lost everything. During the 1929 election Hoover claimed that we would experience a â€Å"final triumph over poverty.†(Henretta et al. 2010) He initially adopted a â€Å"two-pronged strategy†that involved an ideology of volunteerism and more reliance and faith in the business industry; but his most notable initiative is the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, or RFC, which was based on a previous program developed during World War I, that granted government loans to businesses, railroads and financial institutions. (Henretta et al. 2010) All of this was intended to boost faith in the business industry and encourage them to maintain the wages to their employees. In the end, America survived the Great Depression and managed to recover, and not just recover but
Snow by Orhan Pamuk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Snow by Orhan Pamuk - Essay Example Ka’s friend suggests him to go to a town called Kars, which is at the border of Turkey. Ka’s friend works for a newspaper, and felt it would be best for Ka to move to the border of Turkey with Armenia and Georgia, under the disguise of a newspaper journalist. Kars at this time was facing a number of people committing suicide. Ka started to interview people around this area and tried his best to learn about why the suicides. The increasing numbers of suicides were causing a lot of tensions among the people of the city, especially among the local Muslim people as this was not allowed by religion. It was here that Ka was reunited with a friend called Ipek. Ipek and Ka went back a long way, when Ka had feeling for her. Now Ka was located in the hotel owned by Ipek’s father. It was by this time that Ipek had already been married to a man called Muhtar, however had also been divorced. This was mainly due to the growing interest of Muhtar in the Islami political. Ka and Ipek meet up at a cafà © here the duo witnessed a shoot out of the local director of the Institute of Education by a group of Muslim extremist. This Muslim extremist was from a different city and blamed the director for the death of a young lady called Teslime, as the director had banned head scarves in schools. Following this incident, Ka went to Muhtar, to discuss the experience of finding Islam, which was related to a storm and a meeting a charismatic sheikh called Saadettin Efendi. It was here that the duo was arrested by the police and Muhtar was beaten and Ka was questioned for the death of the minis ter. The first parts of the book are mostly in the view point of a third person. The speech used here is in the third person however in the view point of Ka. The narrator at a number of places seems to tell the story on Ka’s journals and correspondence. The information provided by the narrator at times is before Ka knows about it and
Human Trafficking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Human Trafficking - Essay Example Human trafficking continues to be a major problem all over the world, and bringing about awareness will enable it to be better addressed. First things first, we will bring awareness to the fact that human trafficking does not only effect those who are poor. The rich are affected, too. For instance, there may be people who are rich and living in another country. They have a surplus of money and would like to use it to get to the United States because they believe that coming to this country will afford them better opportunities, such as financial gain and a chance to have greater success. These individuals contact smugglers to help them come here, and they pay these smugglers large sums of money. But one of two things happens that can land the rich into being victims of human trafficking. One scenario can be that the one smuggling them may be a part of the human trade, and rather than helping these individuals to just come over to the United States to lead a better life, they can turn on them and make them part of the human cargo they wish to trade and sell. The other scenario can be that once they do get to the United States, they can fall victims of human trafficking in that they are normally left to their own devices after being smuggled and will more than likely not understand how everything works in this country. They will not know where to obtain resources, and they will more than likely not be completely familiarize with the laws here (U.S. Department of State, 2005). Their lack of knowledge coupled with being in an unfamiliar place is a perfect recipe for a human trafficking victim. A second issue in regards to human trafficking that needs awareness is that men are also victims of human trafficking. A number of people may not think that to be possible; however, it does happen, whether people want to believe it or not. One way that men can become victims is because the one trafficking them will use tactics, such as violence, coercion, and force. Even manipulation can be a factor. Men, like women, can be forced into prostitution, and they are subject to brutal treatment, such as rape and violence, in the same way that women are. And because human trafficking is not only restricted to sex work, both men and women are kidnapped to work in factories or doing other illegal migrant work, such as working with agriculture. Both factory and illegal migrant work have a sour history of workers being paid cheaply or not at all (U.S. Department of State, 2005). Then there is the assumption that human trafficking does not occur in the United States and that it is a problem far from us. However, this is far from the truth. Human trafficking occurs right here on our home soil, as
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Digital technology play a key role in education Essay
Digital technology play a key role in education - Essay Example First an introduction has been given as to what contribution has technology made in education. Then, teachers’ technological skills and problems to the implementation of digital technology have been discussed. After that, various technological tools and concept are discussed like CALL and ICT, which the teachers can make use of to enhance the education. The report is summarized in a concluding paragraph, and Harvard referencing style has been used properly. Selwyn (2011) asserts that educators have been trying to modify their teaching process with the help of technology ever since the modern technological means came into market. According to Baker, early 1960’s brought with it â€Å"new curricula, instructional models, and approaches to individualization†(1978:3) of instruction. The problem was that teachers did not know how to manage the new instructional schemes. Today, an ideal classroom environment is dynamic in which each student presents his own understanding and is comfortable with his own set of instructional materials. Thus, the teacher needs to organize instructional schemes in such a way that all students with their unique qualities are equally attended to. Teachers started feeling the necessity of incorporating information and communication technology in education. This way, they could enhance the overall experience of teaching through the use of some most modern digital technologies like camcorders, multimed ia, microphones, supervision cameras, and most of all, the internet. Technology helps students in their early years to gain independence in creating and designing things, and in understanding basic literacy skills (Massey University 2014). In later years, students can make use of information and communication technology (ICT) to do research and create innovative pieces of work. Libraries are available online, where
My reflection of analysis on Philosophies of Judaism, Christianity, Essay
My reflection of analysis on Philosophies of Judaism, Christianity, and the Byzantine Civilization - Essay Example It is also referred as Trinity. The nature of God through the beliefs of Judaism is reflected in one substance and is considered to be one person. In Judaism, God is referred as Unity. The Byzantine Civilization also has different views about the nature of God. From Byzantine Civilization, it is discovered that the nature of God in this religion is not only considered as a substance but also as a being (Aitken and Paget). Judaism, Christianity and Byzantine Civilization all these religions have a same belief about the creation of the world. All these religions agree that the world is created by one God and is for a limited period. The Christians affirm the discussion of life after death as they believe in it. In Judaism and Byzantine Civilization, there are mixed views as some accept the fact that there will be life after death, and some disagree with it (Aitken and
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Human Trafficking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Human Trafficking - Essay Example Human trafficking continues to be a major problem all over the world, and bringing about awareness will enable it to be better addressed. First things first, we will bring awareness to the fact that human trafficking does not only effect those who are poor. The rich are affected, too. For instance, there may be people who are rich and living in another country. They have a surplus of money and would like to use it to get to the United States because they believe that coming to this country will afford them better opportunities, such as financial gain and a chance to have greater success. These individuals contact smugglers to help them come here, and they pay these smugglers large sums of money. But one of two things happens that can land the rich into being victims of human trafficking. One scenario can be that the one smuggling them may be a part of the human trade, and rather than helping these individuals to just come over to the United States to lead a better life, they can turn on them and make them part of the human cargo they wish to trade and sell. The other scenario can be that once they do get to the United States, they can fall victims of human trafficking in that they are normally left to their own devices after being smuggled and will more than likely not understand how everything works in this country. They will not know where to obtain resources, and they will more than likely not be completely familiarize with the laws here (U.S. Department of State, 2005). Their lack of knowledge coupled with being in an unfamiliar place is a perfect recipe for a human trafficking victim. A second issue in regards to human trafficking that needs awareness is that men are also victims of human trafficking. A number of people may not think that to be possible; however, it does happen, whether people want to believe it or not. One way that men can become victims is because the one trafficking them will use tactics, such as violence, coercion, and force. Even manipulation can be a factor. Men, like women, can be forced into prostitution, and they are subject to brutal treatment, such as rape and violence, in the same way that women are. And because human trafficking is not only restricted to sex work, both men and women are kidnapped to work in factories or doing other illegal migrant work, such as working with agriculture. Both factory and illegal migrant work have a sour history of workers being paid cheaply or not at all (U.S. Department of State, 2005). Then there is the assumption that human trafficking does not occur in the United States and that it is a problem far from us. However, this is far from the truth. Human trafficking occurs right here on our home soil, as
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
My reflection of analysis on Philosophies of Judaism, Christianity, Essay
My reflection of analysis on Philosophies of Judaism, Christianity, and the Byzantine Civilization - Essay Example It is also referred as Trinity. The nature of God through the beliefs of Judaism is reflected in one substance and is considered to be one person. In Judaism, God is referred as Unity. The Byzantine Civilization also has different views about the nature of God. From Byzantine Civilization, it is discovered that the nature of God in this religion is not only considered as a substance but also as a being (Aitken and Paget). Judaism, Christianity and Byzantine Civilization all these religions have a same belief about the creation of the world. All these religions agree that the world is created by one God and is for a limited period. The Christians affirm the discussion of life after death as they believe in it. In Judaism and Byzantine Civilization, there are mixed views as some accept the fact that there will be life after death, and some disagree with it (Aitken and
Cell Bio Lab Report Essay Example for Free
Cell Bio Lab Report Essay The purpose of this lab was to test the biological activity of ConA by performing a hemagglutination assay. If ConA is active then agglutination will occur due to ConA’s free receptors being able to bind to the glucose residues on the sheep’s red blood cells. If ConA is not active then no agglutination will occur. To test the hemagglutination reaction, two types of ConA solutions were compared, a purchased control ConA solution in buffer as the positive control, and a purified solution of ConA in buffer previously purified in lab. Each solution was at a 2mg/ml concentration of ConA in ConA buffer, which is necessary for ConAs biological activity. Two variables were added, Galactose and Mannose, to the ConA solution to compare the effects each had on the hemagglutination reaction. I hypothesize for ConA to be able to agglutinate the red blood cells if in the adequate concentration and if in the presence of Galactose, not Mannose. Mannose will inhibit the ConA from binding to the red blood cell’s membrane, preventing agglutination. RESULTS The reaction plate containing the ConA dilutions was incubated over the weekend and resulted in all wells being pink, appearing as if every well had agglutinated. There was a vague outline of the non-agglutinated cells in various wells. The last agglutination was observed at titer 0.0625 (1/16). Agglutination was seen in rows A, B D, and E (row A contained the control ConA, row B contained the control ConA + Galactose, row D contained the sample ConA, and row E contained the sample ConA + Galactose). In the well rows C and F which contained control ConA + Mannose and sample ConA + Mannose, agglutination did not occur at any concentration of ConA. Row G, the negative control appeared to have agglutinated as well as Row H, which contained only ConA buffer. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION The results did not support my hypothesis for the biological activity of ConA. There are some sources of error that could explain the results obtained. It’s possible there was a problem with either the ConA buffer or the sheep red blood cells to allow for all wells to turn pink and appear agglutinated. Another explanation of the irregular results was there might have been cross contamination from not changing tips when transferring to different ConA concentrations, or if bubbles were introduced while diluting the ConA, making the results difficult to interpret. For wells A, B D, and E as ConA became more diluted or decreased in concentration, it became more difficult for it to effectively crosslink and agglutinate the red blood cells. Well D, the positive control that contained the purchased ConA resulted in agglutination of the first couple wells, then no agglutination as the ConA concentration decreased, similar to Row A. Wells B and E that had the Galacatose additive obtained the same titer of the control ConA because ConA does not bind Galactose. Galactose doesn’t interfere with ConA from binding to the sugar residues on the red blood cells. Mannose on the other hand, is an inhibitor to ConA’s binding sites. The Mannose in solution competed with the ConA and did not allow to bind to the sugar residues on the red blood cells as seen in rows C and F. Row G, the negative control, should have resulted in non-agglutination, similar to the rows containing the Mannose additive. The results observed showed agglutination formed in this row. Lastly, Row H should have shown non-agglutination through out because the well contained only ConA buffer, not ConA protein. In conclusion, the results did not clearly explain the biological activity of ConA with the hemagglutination assay. The experiment contained too many anomalies to get a clear determination of ConA’s functionality post purification. The results did show that a change in the concentration of ConA would alter the strength of the reaction. Also, ConA’s ability to bind to sugar residues can be affected if ConA has to compete or is inhibited to bind to a cells membrane. LITERATURE CITED Cell Biology 3822 Lab Manual, Cell Surface Glycoprotein Receptor Analysis Using Concanavalin A Lab 7. Pearson Learning Solutions. 2012: 147-154. Madeleine Zaechringer. Cell Biology 3822 Analysis of purified ConA via Hemagglutinatino Assay Lab 7: Powerpoint. 2014.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Recruitment And Selection Plays A Vital Role In Every Industry
Recruitment And Selection Plays A Vital Role In Every Industry Recruitment and Selection plays a vital role in every industry. Recruitment is also the process of locating and attracting the applicants which are capable for the vacancy. Recruitment and selection both are very closely linked. Both of the activities directs towards achieving the appropriate candidate with the requisite competencies and attitudes. The recruitment can also be understood as the foundation for the selection process by providing the number of applicants from which the selection panel and select the suitable candidates. So it is the source of manpower to meet the requirements which are needed in the staffing (Flippo, 2000). There are basically two types of recruitment, internal and external. Internal recruitment can be understood as they where the suitable candidate is chosen amongst the employees within the organization; however external recruitment is where the suitable candidate with the required competencies and attitudes are chosen externally. In simple words the ou tsiders are invited to fill the current vacancy. The aims of recruitment are: To get a pool of candidates with appropriate competencies for the vacant posts To choose the candidate with the fair process To make sure that all the recruitment activities are achieved as per lines to the organizational goals The recruitment process is conducted in a cost effective manner The term selection can be the best understood as the process to fill the vacancy either internally or externally. . It is to make a choice among all the applicants and to choose the best for the organization (Banfield, P.Kay,R, 2008). The major goal of selection is to choose the best person for the job. Selection matches the candidates as per the job requirements to understand that how well the candidate will perform to the requirements of the offered position as they do not want that the candidate to leave the organization in a short span of time. As the recruitment and selection process costs to the company hence the selectors want the best candidate. Basically the objectives of the selection are as follows: To collect the relevant information. Organize and study the information collected. Evaluate each candidate. Hence, it could be better understood as the important aspects in the organisation. The organisation does the recruitment and selection to achieve the organizational goals. The inappropriate selection can result in the loss to the organisation. There are various ways of doing the recruitment, like advertisement, head hunters and some do the recruitment fairs. Hence the recruitment and selection process differs from the sector to sector. In current scenario, the company invests the considerable amount of money to recruit and select the best suitable person for the organization so that the person could be an asset for the organisation. The long process starts from, Identifying requirements, screening, process design and the process end by offering the appointment letter. After this the training is provide to the candidate. The training also cost a considerable amount of money on the candidate. The following stages are used in the recruitment process. Refer Fig . Identify vacancy Prepare job description and specifications Advertising the vacancy Managing the response Short listing Arrange interviews Conduct interviews and decision making India is recognized as the emerging economies worldwide. India has a large population and it has got a vast land size. The land size has a diverse culture and extreme diversities in income level which vary state to state. The country has a high level of illiteracy rate among the large population, however, the country still got a huge reservoir of managers and technological advanced talent. Between 30%-35% of population resides in metros and urban cities and rest in urban, semi urban and rural centres. The countrys economic policy framework reflects features such as structure, size and diversity of the banking and the financial sector. There are basically two types of sectors operated in India, Private sector and the Public sector. In the private sector there are three main types of organization, which are Sole traders, Partnership and the franchises. The public companies are those companies which are owned by the government. These companies are well known in national and as well as the international companies. Recruitment Process Fig , Different Stages for Recruitment process The country need to have a sound and effective banking system so that the country could have a healthy economy. The banking system of any country should be smooth and should be ready to face of the challenges which could be incurred by the technological or the other external or internal forces. The major name in the Indian banking industry is State Bank of India. This bank originates in the first decades of the 19 century. Later, it got merged with the imperial bank of India. Further the government of India nationalized the Imperial bank along with the reserve bank of India and the name was changed to State bank of India. It is one of the Indias largest commercial banks. The government controls maintains a stake of 60% in State bank of India. The bank has 13,500 branch offices throughout India, staffed by nearly 220,000 employees (Source: State Bank of India is also present worldwide. Not only is this but the important point to notice here that, because of the effective management the SBI has to manage to make an international presence as well. Thats the only reason that they have office in almost 12 other countries around the world apart from India such as the ones listed below (Source: Bahrain China Japan Mauritius United States of America Indonesia United Kingdom Nepal Singapore SBI Canada SBI California South Africa Aim of the Project The main aim of this research would be to target on the importance of recruitment and selection in one of the leading public and private sector banks in India, State bank of India and I. C. I.C.I and how does it differ from a private limited bank. Secondly, would try to find out, how the recruitment and selection process affects the applicants and their views, with the help of a questionnaire. Objectives of the project To identify the general practices used by both the public limited bank, State bank of India. To identify the general practices used by both the private limited bank, I. C. I. C. I. To make a broader understanding as how the recruitment and the selection process affects the State bank of India and I. C. I. C. I banks. How the recruitment and selection in State bank of India differs from a private limited bank. To determine as which practice is the best form the comparison study. To find out the recruitment policy of ICICI Bank Importance of the Project Study The study that I have done is quite significant in one sense; its to highlight the practical application that the HR Managers need to deal with their HR policies relations and responsibilities. The study is to provide a flavour the recruitment and selection process is carried out in these banks. Reason for the Project The reasons for the project are quite clear, having a look the tremendous history of the bank. Its quite evident that any passerby would like to have a look, what is that has made the bank to become of the biggest in the country and a worldwide presence too. That is the reason that these project and research studies have been designed. The main reason for the project is to understand the business areas of these two major Indian public and private banks and understand their way of business and then primarily understand the HR plans and their working cultures. Because India being such a diverse nation and to put across any business lines or strategies it needs to be really sound and the people who are behind the planning and the implementation of these strategies need to be having the exact idea and the way the people are going to respond the idea of the bank. All this is done with a clear picture of the banks goals and objectives. So these are the main areas that are basically tired t o be analysed. The other important area to be analysed for this project is the customers and the bank relationships too. Scope of the Project The scope of this project is to understand the working and the recruitment and selection of the employees. The following points Extent of the Research Inclusions On the research Exclusion of the research Limitations to the research Literature Review As mentioned earlier, the term recruitment can be determined as the process of identifying the pool of appropriate candidates which is suitable for the job vacancy outside the organization or within the organization is a cost effective manner. However selection can be best understood as the process where the best person is chosen from a pool of desired candidates. The recruitment and the selection are the core areas of the human resource management. Hence, it makes the company to choose the appropriate person for the organization which helps in achieving the goals and performance of the organization. In simple words the recruitment selection chooses the best person for the organization. The recruitment and selection process focuses on the candidate which fulfils all the requirements of the vacancy and also trains them for the desired post. The employees are recruited on the basis of many things, good communication skills, flexibility and openness of the person etc. The recruiters sel ect the candidate on the basis of many qualities for the good performance and also on the qualities which they notice while interviewing the person (Hay, 2006). The largest country in South Asia is India. It has a huge financial system with varied financial institution. Indian banking sector was well developed prior to its Independence (1947). There was a significant presence of both foreign and domestic banks and well developed stock market. (Bery, 1996). In India there are 26 public sector bank, 22 private sector bank, 56 Urban and cooperative bank and 29 foreign banks in India (Indian banking Association). In India the top banks among all the banks is the Reserve bank of India. The Reserve bank of India supervises the banking functions of the other banks (Source: State bank of India is the largest financial service provider company. It provides a range of banking products. It has got 16,000 branches and India and has the highest branch in India. The company had a profit of Rs.10, 998 crores ($24.18 billion) (Source: Recruitment and selection plays a major role in any of the banking or financial sector. The people are the main force on which the economy depends. If the HR people take a wrong decision in selecting a candidate to work the company can die. The majority of the companies use the same pattern of recruiting and selecting the employees which are as follows: Job analysis profile of knowledge, skill, competencies, ability and the temperament suggest decision made on recruitment and selection. Identification of the need for the new employee through the re organization or by the replacement of the employee. Select the employee internally. Format the application and the process foe examining the criteria determined. Job vacancy and the other publicity material are put into the public domain. An application arrives Experimental procedures Research Methodology In my research I will be using the qualitative and the quantitative methods but will focus majorly on the qualitative method. The reason is that the qualitative data is quite descriptive and I will be able to express the results and also the feedback from the employees in a descriptive manner. The main aim of the study will be the recruitment and selection in State bank of India. The reason of retention in the companies, as the research requires more of interviews, which can be telephonic or face to face makes the report more descriptive. The questionnaire will be distributed in both the public and the private bank and the analysis will be done as which practice is the best. The project will be done in two stages. Primary research Secondary research Primary research Primary research involves the collection and also the raw data which is collected through surveys and interviews will be analysis. The result will be discussed and evaluated. The primary sources which I will be using to collect the data are- Collecting the data from common using questionnaires. Interviewing the employee and the HR managers of the multinational organization. Secondary research This research includes the study based upon the reading of the books and the journals which are referred in the library. The reading will involve the reading which is written by the different scholars on the same issue. All the arguments from the different scholars will be deeply analysis will be conducted. The conclusion will be drawn and then evaluated with the date and the finding collected by me. The basic understanding can be achieved by the review of the different books. The secondary sources which I will use to collect the data are- The digital library B.C.U library Human resource management articles and journals Business magazines Reports News paper articles Data Processing The graphs and the pie charts will be used to show the data collected from the questionnaires. The result be descriptive and will be achieved by the questionnaires and the personal contact with the Human resource management people and the employees of both the public and the private limited company. Concept of the Project The project is basically broken down into three broad areas Basic Recruit process and their importances Recruit and selection process of State Bank of India Recruitment and selection process of I. C. I. C. I A brief qualitative study is done on the three highlighted areas of the project, the main area of research is to analyse how the recruitment process of the bank are in line with the ones commonly followed by the general companies and the ones that are specifically developed by the bank keep in view their requirements etc. Methodology The following methodology is followed in this project in order to achieve the aim objectives. The following flow chart gets the information regarding the flow of the project and the way in which the result is and the analysis is carried out. Refer Fig . Recruit and Selection Process in Banks Recruit and Selection Process in Banks Recruit and Selection Process in Banks Recruit and Selection Process in Banks Recruitment Process Definition Understanding of Recruitment Recruitment means is the process of estimation of the available vaccines and to make the required arrangements for their selection and appointment. Recruitment can also be defined as the process for obtaining people for a certain job, and from the pool the right people can be selected. The formal definition of the recruitment process is Its the process of attracting and finding among them capable and suitable candidates for possible employment. The whole process starts when the new recruits are sought, and their applications are submitted to go to the next level of the process. This first process results in a pool of applicants for whom the potential new employees can be selected. The process with a wide range of publicity through different sources and the interested candidates are encouraged to submit applications for further processing and the following interviews. The most important thing to remember is to say that recruitment is the first step of contact that a company makes with its potential future employees. Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation Edwin Flippo Need for Recruitment The recruitment can be as a result form the following reasons that may arise in any of the companies or organisations The vacancies that are as result of internal departmental promotions, Employee transfers, Retirement of employees, Termination or Resignation of Employees, Permanent Disability of Employees and Death of Employees Requirement of new jobs due to expansion of the organization or diversification of business activities. Requirements that may arise due to increase in business resulting from the unexpected or massive success of a specific product or service of the company Refer fig . Fig , Reasons for Recruitment Importance of Recruitment The main purposes of the requirement are listed down of the many advantages of the requirement process a few are listed below. Refer Fig . To determine the present and the future requirements of any business in line with the HR planning To increase the capable resources for the business with a minimum impact on the budget for recruitment To increase the success and the efficiency of the selection process. This can be achieved by the reduction of under qualified and over qualified candidates To minimize the probability of candidates who may leave the organization after a short time. Because the recruitment process involves money and time. To help the company or the organization to meet the legal rules and regulations of the country Evaluate and increase the efficiency of the recruitment process and enhance the process and find out flaws from time to time in order to maintain the company standard. Fig , Functions of Requirement Effects of Improper and Unplanned Requirement Process The recruit process can be considered the deciding factor that plays a very important role in the companys search for the best talent available in the market in the form of the employees who are going to take the company to meets its goal and objectives but if the process is not carried in a planned fashion then it may result in catastrophic damage for the companys future operations. The following are a few effects that the company may face due to the poor recruitment techniques. Low productivity of the Employees Low or very little turnover of the company due to incompetency of the employees Excessive wastage of the resources due to lack of the best in class knowledge of the tools More accidents that may result at the work place creating a loss to the company Inefficient use of the tools and the companys processes Process of Recruitment The process of recruit is attracting the able candidates to fill the vacancy and become employees of the organisation. The process of recruitment has a few procedures that need to be followed at all times in order to successful completion of the recruitment process The recruitment process can be considered to be completed in the following five stages Planning the recruitment process Developing a strategy for the process Searching for the right candidate Screening the candidates Evaluation and control of the process The best recruitment process is the one that attracts a large number of applicants, who can survive all the above mentioned process. If not properly planned and executed may result in the loss of potential candidates. In order to avoid this the HR department needs to have clear idea of what is the job profile that is required and the type of assessment that are to be carried out in order to have the perfect applicant to be chosen. Refer Fig . Fig , Stages of Recruitment Process Phase 1 Planning Recruitment Process This is the first stage of the recruitment process, proper planning and process would help the company to select skilful and good potential employees from the pool of candidates. The main goal of the planning stage is the translation of the available job vacancies and the job description into an understandable format for the candidates to apply. The places where the walk-in interviews need to be taken and the people who are going to assists for the technical and the administration departments also need to made well in advance so that the potential loss of a expected candidate can be avoided. The main targets include. Refer Fig . The number of vacancies available in each of the specific category The type of applicants the company is interested The job descriptions and roles involved in the jab category Planning of the whole recruiting process from the venue to the people who are going to support the whole process. Fig , Recruitment Planning Process in an Organisation Phase 2 Developing a strategy for the process When the planning phase is successfully completed with de acceptance, form the head of the department s of the different departments. The next and the important phase of the process is to build a strategy for how the whole process is going to work and what is to be done the event of a unplanned scenario etc, who are the key and the responsible people for the whole event and any other related information tot assists the HR people to make decisions. The main important points to develop a strategy for the recruitment process are listed below. Refer Fig . Create the New Employees or Buy the New Employees * The technological tools that are required for the recruitment process Study of the Geographical distribution of the skill markets (Labour Markets) Study of Sources of Recruitment Sequencing the activities in the recruitment process Fig , Developing the Strategy for Recruitment *A Creating new employee is the process of hiring new applicants forms from the pool of skill that is a result of the advertisement and publicity. These after a proper and strategic assessment will be used for the selection of the candidate. On the other hand the Buying means hiring form a third party manpower suppliers a or taking people on a contract for a specific period of time. This type of recruitment is basically when you want people to work on a very specific and a limited basis. Phase 3 Searching for the right candidate The third phase in the process after the successful implantation of the other two is where and how to search for the perfect candidates and the perfect skills you are looking for. Studies have suggested that there are two basic ways of searching for the right candidate with the right skill set etc. This is taken in a step by step process with each other working back to back. Refer Fig . Step 1: Resource Activation request declaration form the middle management Step -2: Selling Step 1: Resource Request Typically in an organisation the recruitment process starts with a vacancy that has aroused in any of the departments such as the technical or non-technical or any of the administration departments. Once there is a vacancy or a n extra resource is required for the job then the middle mangers have need to pass it over to the top management or the bosses for a resource in the weekly or the bi-weekly meeting , then that is further cascaded to the HR to search for the suitable candidate. Firstly they have study in various aspects of the requirement, such as the Budget etc and try to see and internal was of filling the post and if they have no one to fill in then they starts using all the above mentioned ways to fill in the post. Step 2: Selling This is the second step is the immediate reaction the company is going to undergo once when they find a vacancy due for a filling, then they may use the advertising agencies in order to attract the right candidates and for further assessment before they can be hired Fig , Steps in searching phase of Recruitment Phase 4 Screening the candidates Screening is the most important of all the four in the sense that it differentiates or filter the good candidates from the bad or the ones that company would like not to hire. The recruitment process starts from the screening phase. All the scrutinised in this phase of the recruitment process, the following points are worth consideration to understand the process in more detail. Purpose of the screening process The main purpose of the screening process is for sough ting out the unfavourable conditions or the candidates who are not up to the mark and the standards at a early stage of the recruitment process. In the screening process there are no clear job specifications that are required for the candidate to have for the job. But as a good experience and good practice the candidates qualifications are judged on the basis of their skills, knowledge of the subject, attitude and important of all the interest to do the job. Refer Fig . Fig , Screening process for Recruitment The screening process vary for the different for kind of jobs that are required for filling and every job will need to be handle in a different way depending on the criticality of the job and the type of skills that are required for Example: There are some specific jobs such a s hiring a Professor for a educational Institution such as a university is a kind of typical situation. The applications that are received as a response to the publicity and the advertisements are screened and only the eligible candidates are called fro a personal interview. Then the interview is taken y a selection committee which may comprise of the important people of the university such as the Vice Chancellor, Registrar and the Subject Experts who can conduct the interviews. So even there are some certain ways to follow for the general situation for the screening process there may be certain situations there may be some enhancement to be made to the existing system or special type of committees can be brought in to do the job screening the candidate for the job. Phase 5 Evaluation and control of the process The evaluation and control is necessary and termed as the important step in the recruitment process. Because of the recruitment process there are costs incurred by the company so there needs to some kind of control over the money that is going into the recruit process with the budget that has been selected by the company. The following are the ways in which there can be money to be spent by the company. Salaries and perks for the people involved in the recruitment process The time of the management and the professional people spent on the preparation of the job vacancy numbers, Job descriptions, Advertisements, Agency Liaison, so on and so forth. The important and major way of spending on the recruitment is the advertisement and the contracts with the third party agents. Overheads and unplanned events that are a result of recruitment process and the administrative expenses. The extra cost that is resulting from the overtime and the outsourcing while the vacancies remain unfilled for a long time or there are very limited resources on a specific skill set. The cost that the company needs to bare due to the selection of unsuitable or candidates not fitting the bill for the job are selected. The above mentioned five phases of the recruitment process are the very common ones that are used for the recruitment by the organisation. But as it mentioned earlier as well that there may be other ways in which the recruitment process can be taken. So this implies to say that the recruitment process is a critical process and needs a lot of planning and in depth knowledge to pick the best candidates who have the desired qualities professionally and personally. The more the people who fit the job are picked the company will have a sure success then by selecting unsuitable people. Sources of Recruitment The other important area of the recruitment process is the sources of recruitment. The following the common ways in which the organisations generally source for the recruitment process in their companies. Refer Fig . The flow chart gives the information regarding the major of sourcing that can be used in the recruitment process. In order to have a diverse work force and good work culture its always better to have a new recruitment in order to have a new ideas to come in the process which may help the organisation in many ways. Because by the internal referral schemes it may be for a certain and a certain number of vacancies but if this type of sourcing is followed then it may have a certain disadvantages as well. Because this would have an impact on the companys future as well, if not corrected and acted in time. The sources of recruitment are broadly classified in two main categories Internal Sources of Recruitment External Source of Recruitment Internal Source of Recruitment Promotions and Transfers This is a very effective measure for the filling of certain type of vacancies depending on the personal records and the achievements of an employee. The personal records may include educational qualifications and the skill level incurred in the process of acquiring experience. Promotions are a best way to build up good relations between the organisation and the employee. This is way to build the morale of the employee apart from the encouraging the component individuals who are self motivated to make them more recognisable for a promotion. So, this is a good way to enhance the performance for the employees. On the other hand the transfers are other way to make the employees view the organisation on a broad spectrum. This may even be helpful to find employees for the future promotions. Employee Internal Referrals Employees can help their pals and family by acquainting them with the advantages of the company and the vacancy that are available in the company. The major advantage of this type of source is that the employees may only bring those referrals those they feel will fit the bill. This also gets the feeling of ownership for the employees. Former Employees This type includes the employees who are retired by but still can work on limited time basis such as Part time and also other employees who have left the company in the past but would return for better prospects or higher compensations. There are a lot of advantages in this type because these employees have a lot of information and good understanding of the processes of the company. This would further minimise the time in a sense there is no need for induction etc. This in turn saves time and money to the company. Recalling Earlier Employees This type can be used to recall certain employees who have left the company or made redundant in the past, because of recession or lack of business or order to conti
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