Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Health & Social Care Essay
Physical abuse – is classed as the hitting, shaking, choking, biting or other physical attack on an individual. It can lead to bruising, cuts, scratches burns, fractures and internal injuries. As well as these more immediate injuries, there can also be longer term ones. Someone who is being physically abused may show signs of it, but they may not be noticed by others if the victim is hiding the abuse. Signs and symptoms of physical abuse are cuts, brusies, burns grip marks, unusual pattern or location of injury, depression, fearfulness, withdrawn and anxiety. Sexual abuse – Sexual abuse involves any sexual behaviour directed toward an adult without that adult’s knowledge and consent. Sexual abuse can happen to people of all ages, including the elderly. Sexual abuse is a way that a person tries to have control over someone and has nothing to do with consenting sex between adults. Sexual abuse is another form of physical and emotional control of one person over another person, and it has nothing to do with consensual sex between adults. Read more: Explain the roles of different agencies in safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse essay Signs and symptoms of sexual abuse are pain, itching or bruises around breasts or genital area, torn stained or bloody underclothing, sexually transmitted diseases, vaginal/anal bleeding, depression, withdrawal from regular activities, fear and anxiety. Emotional/psychological abuse – Emotional abuse can be as painful and damaging as physical abuse because it diminishes an adult’s sense of identity, dignity and self-worth. Emotional abuse is when a person is verbally assaulted, insulted, yelled at, threatened or humiliated by someone close to them or by a caregiver. The abuser often confines a person or isolates them by preventing them from having visits from family and friends or by denying them the chance to attend doctor or other personal care appointments. Signs and symptoms of emotional/psychological abuse are depression, fear, anxiety and behaviour changes when a carer enters or leaves a room. Financial abuse – financial abuse involves the improper, illegal or unauthorized use of an adult’s resources for the benefit of another. Signs and symptoms of financial abuse are unpaid bills, no money for food, clothing, or medication, unexplained withdrawal of money from someone’s bank account, family member or representative refuses to spend money on the adult’s behalf, possessions disappear, family member or another person forces an adult to sign over Power of Attorney against their own will. Institutional abuse – Institutional abuse refers to mistreatment of someone living in a facility for older persons. This includes nursing homes, foster homes, group homes, or board and care facilities. For example the abuse refers to the ‘home’ and staff having set meal times, set places a resident can eat their meals, a certain time everyone must get up Rigid, routines, Inadequate staffing, Insufficient knowledge base within service etc. Signs and symptoms of institutional abuse could be Inability to make choices or decisions, agitation if routine broken, disorientation, patterns of challenging behaviour. Self neglect – Adults are neglected when a caregiver does not provide the essential daily living needs of an adult dependent upon them, for things such as food, clothing, shelter, bathing, medication, health care, and doctor visits. Self-neglect happens when an adult can no longer take care of their own basic daily living needs. Signs and symptoms of neglect and self-neglect are malnourishment, dehydration, confusion, inappropriate clothing, under or over medication, skin sores, poor hygiene, absence of required aids, canes and walkers. Aiii / Aiv) If someone makes an allegation of abuse to you, the first and most important response is that you must believe what you are told. You must reassure the person that you believe what you have been told also reassure them that it is not their fault and that they are in no way to blame. Once youve reassured the person that you believe them, you should report the allegation immediately to a senior member of staff. Make sure you then make an accurate record of as much detailed information. Av) If the abuse is physical, no attempt should be made to clean anything such as clothes or residence. The client should be dissuaded to wash. Other people should be kept out of the way. With financial abuse, evidence could be paperwork such as bank statements so these should not be thrown away. You should only remove anything that could be evidence if you suspect the abuser might dispose of it before the authorities can see it. Avi) The national polices that relate to safeguarding and protection from abuse are the safeguarding board, the social services. The child protection agencies like the NSPCC Childline. The H.uman rights act 1998 and the Equalityact of 2000. Avii / Aviii) Different agencies and professionals play critical roles when involved in safe guarding individuals for example, Medical professionals such as GP, A&E staff, nurses, doctors – they can examine, diagnose & treat, they can record. The local authority Social Services would carry out an assessment of needs. Safeguarding Team, within Social Services dept – investigates and ensures safety, work with other agencies such as police. A Safeguarding & Protection Officer would lead the Adult Protection Alert. Police to investigate/prosecute, to work with other agencies, to provide support to victims, to raise awareness of crimes, crime prevention. Care Quality Commission to regulate & inspect care providers. Independent Safeguarding Authority. Aix) When seeking advice, support and information to help care workers understand their role in safeguarding good sources would be social workers, advocaces, further training, management, relevant laws and policies, CQC guidelines, care plans including risk assessments.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Television Essay
Television has Made our Lifes Better Nowadays, television is our main source of news and current events around the world. It is indefinably the most popular media in society today. By watching TV,we are kept updated of the various events and dealings occurring around the world. It provides us with broadcasts of the news and weather stations and many more,therefore helping us not to be dropped back from the world of information. People need to be aware of whats going on around them and to keep on top of current affairs,and television allows us to do so.Without it we would be an outsider in society and totally cut off from the happenings in our local area as well as the political world(Palmer,2010). Not only this, but it helps us increase our feeling of humanity towards other people and provides us with crucial knowledge and information. This essay however will discuss both the positive and negatives roles television has in our lives today. Each positive aspect will contrast with a neg ative showing the different opinions.The essay will convey how television makes us more intelligent,assists us to lose weight,acts as a catalyst in the family home,provides us with knowledge how to do certain things and also how it is a great form of entertainment. On the otherhand we will see the downfalls television brings to society such as is it dumbing down our society? Is it making us gain wait rather than lose it? Are we abandoning are families to watch our favourite programmes or Is it just a waste of time?. These topics will all be seen throughout.Many people will agree that watching television makes people more intelligent for instance people that watch educational television such as documentaries,discovery channels,national geographic,science and history channels are very benefited, as it may encourage people who take an interest in them to make a career out of it. Educational TV does not only benefit adults but children aswel. Children can watch shows such as â€Å"Sesa me Street†,†Dora the Explorer†,â€Å"Indiego go†,â€Å"Bear in the Big Blue House†and many more which entertain them and educate them at the same time.Several programs and movies reguire a lot intelligence to follow and understand,these shows are very beneficial as they get our brains working and encourage us to look at things in different ways. In other programs we obtain information which we may not have known before. From watching TV we can learn something new everyday. However, in contrast to television being a great advantage to our intelligence levels, it is also argued that television is merely dumbing down our society. We need only watch some of Americas reality TV shows and we can see why its effecting our youth. A study conducted in 2005 and published in the Archives of Adolescent and Pediatric Medicine showed that kids who had their own television set scored lower on mathematics tests†Numerous other tests have supported this informat ion to make it almost clinically proven. Its very important to encourage our youth of today to read and get involved in other various arts which will help them with their academic studies. (Leong M. D. ,2008) Television is also very helpful in the form of excercising. When using exercise equipment such as an exercise bike or treadmill for example,we all know it can get very boring.This is where the TV comes in to play as it takes our mind-set from the running or power walking perhaps to that of the happenings on the television screen. We understand that reading is difficult because of the movement and therefore is less appealing. When we listen to the radio or our ipods, we are entertained but still our mind is not fully occupied as we have nothing to look at, this being the reason why the majority of gyms have televisions rather than radios. (Jennifer Wagner,2009) Another way in which television makes exercising a lot easier,are the exercise and workout videos which are available t o buy.This way you don’t have to spend as much money on gym membership fees or a personal trainer for that matter,you can just do it at home. (Palmer,2010. )On the otherhand,people may also argue the opposite to this point. As stated by Kristie Leong, she claims by sitting in front of the tv set actually makes you make on the pounds rather than lose it,†burning a paltry 68 calories per hour. Not exactly a formula for good health and fitness†. She also argues that the majority of people whilst watching television consume many high calorie foods,making matters even worse.Television is also a great way of representing togetherness. Its a simple reason for family to spend time together. Setting aside some hours specifically for family viewing encourages conversation,interaction and a certain sense of togetherness. Television brings many different conversation topics both in to a family home and work. It helps people who may have little in common, to talk and therefore acts as a good catalyst for family interaction(Keanney,2010). From time to time, something which occurred on TV can lead to discussions of something that happened in our own daily lifes hich is a great conversation starter. (Wagner,2009) Furthermore, this is not everyones frame of mind as many people believe that family life and interaction is negleacted beacause of television. It’s often the case that a family could sit in the one room for hours on end without actually speaking to each other. Sitting there like zombies totally engaged in whats happening on the TV and not even acknowledging each other. Not only that but many people,children in particular eat their dinners in front of the television screen.This means that conversation of a family around the dinner table is totally gone and if our youth do it,it doesn’t leave much hope for the future. (Banks,2008) Television has various benefits and another one being the useful way in which it tells you how to do certai n things. Whether it’s a cooking receipe you need,or how to arrange flowers in our gardens right as far as how to build a shed. There seems to be a channel to suit everyone. We can become very skilful in our everyday lifes by watching certain programs. Television is here to teach us and improve our ideas.Another point,â€Å"with cable channels such as HGTV and the Food Network, you can actually learn how to do almost anything to or for your home†. (Wagner,2009). Television helps us to broaden our knowledge of everyday life,teaching us right from wrong,and also the correct manner in which to act. It enhances our spiritual lifes in many ways. With the variety of language teaching programs we are provided with nowadays we are given the chance to learn any of the world’s most popular languages. For children in particular TV can be very enriching in their academic life.The History channel can expose children to people,places and cultures they would not have encounter ed otherwise. It engages them, and teaches them different ways of life all over the world. This can be very helpful for a childs development,introducing concepts which are both complex and intellectually stimulating. It encourages the child to be more aware of their surroundings, leading them to be more engaged and involved in classes that deal with those specific topics. (Keanney,2010). Dissimilarity,people argue that television is merely a waste of time.As Kristie mentions if people only knew the amount of time the waste watching television they would be shocked horribly. They could in fact make a list of more productive activites to do, for example spend time with family and friends,play a sport,take up a hobby or even test yourself by learning a new language. People discover there is a lot more to life than watching the latest happenings on the reality TV programmes. (Leong M. D. ,2008) Television is most definitely our greatest form of entertainment to date.With all the various types of programmes there is something to suit each individual. Comedy programmes for instance are a great source of entertainment,as they make us laugh and enjoy ourselves. As the saying goes â€Å"laughter is the best medicine. It has been discovered to lower blood pressure,increase circulation and so on†. With other programmes such as cartoons,discovery channels,movies,sports,weather and many more you will never be bored. The television can be seen as our companion when we are home alone with nothing to do. Without it we would be lost.For those who adore nature and like to watch scenery abroad but cannot afford to travel with recent circumstances,the television is a great source to just sit back,switch on a travel station and enjoy the beautiful nature and scenary of the world. (Mehta,2008). In contrast however, there are certain aspects to television which should not be broadcasted. A lot of television material is not properly monitored making it easier for inappropriate content to be shown on TV,for example violence or inappropriate sex scenes which should not be viewed by the public eye.Not only could this damage society but also our youth of today who need to be protected from such behaviour. (Kulkarni,2009) In conclusion,we can see how the positive aspects of television outweigh the negative. A lot more good comes from TV rather than bad but nevertheless,we are still aware of the negative. What it has done, is made peoples lifes change for the better providing people with more entertaining,exciting and in fact more educated lifes. It brings people together and is something all individuals can share and relate to.Its no doubt a great resource which has turned the world upside down for the better,opening a whole new outlook on life. Reference List: Palmer,B. Break Studios Contributing Writer(2010) â€Å"Benefits of Television†,(Made Manual Instructions for Life (www. mademan. com/mm/10-benefits-television. html) Leong,Kristie M. D,featured contributer in health and wellness(2008) â€Å"The Disadvantage of Television Viewing†,( http://voices. yahoo. com/the-disadvantages-television-viewing-) Wagner, J. (2009) â€Å"Top Ten Benefits of Watching Television†www. connectwithyourteens. net) Keanney,I (2010) â€Å"Advantages for Children to watch TV†(LIVESTRONG. com) Banks,A (2008) â€Å"Advantages and Disadvantages of Television†(http://www. fictionpress. com/s/2482693/1/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-television) Mehta,N (2008) â€Å"Advantages of Watching Television†(http://voices. yahoo. com/advantages-watching-television) Kulkarni,A(2009) â€Å"Advantages and Disadvantages of Television†(http://www. infobarrel. com/Advantages_and_Disadvantages_of_Television)
Monday, July 29, 2019
Changing masculinities in Hollywood styled romantic comedies Essay
Changing masculinities in Hollywood styled romantic comedies - Essay Example Where males in older romantic comedies were portrayed as cool emotionally and in control of their environment, males in current and modern romantic comedies are more often highly flawed and emotionally vulnerable. The changing image of the male figure in romantic comedies has developed a less competent male figure that is at the mercy of the storyline, where in older films the male figure was far more commanding and in control of the events. Romantic comedies have been in film for as long as stories for film have been written. Grindon (2011, p. 12) calls the romantic comedy the â€Å"most enduring and flexible†of the film genres, its inclusion in the film releases of each year standard and expected. Grindon (2011, p. 3) describes the romantic comedy as â€Å"striv(ing) to excite sexual desire and mimic its pleasure mediated through the devices of cinematic storytelling and experienced as laughter†. ... The male image has undergone a great deal of change in contrast to the female image, his position in building the relationship very different than one might have seen in the 1950s or 1960s. The following paper will explore the nature of the romantic comedy while developing a profile of both the stereotyped female and male, with a close look at the changes seen in the masculine identity throughout the history of film. The theory on the differentiation of the male and female identity is explored, as well as the ideas of the nature of male integrity in contrast with the duplicitous nature of the female. The relatively stagnant nature of the female lead stereotype in a romantic comedy is put into contrast with the evolution of the male identity in the romantic comedy genre. While there are few absolutes in any film genre as the idea is to try to create something unique, repetition of stereotypes keeps familiarity for the audiences, while commenting on the relationships of the genders. In this relatively unique instance, the nature of the stereotypes for the male figure in a genre has gone through radical changes, leaving the male identity in these films as something very different than it was when the industry of film began. Background The Hierarchy of Knowledge One of the elements of the romantic comedy structure is that of the hierarchy of knowledge. A standard in romantic comedies is that either the male or the female has the privilege of the hierarchy of knowledge, knowing more about what is transpiring than the other. Typically it is the female in the film who has the advantage of knowledge. The male can be seen as the victim of circumstances that he has less control over. McDonald (2007, p. 22) uses the film Sunday in New York
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Boethius Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Boethius - Essay Example In this case, the infallible providence of God is privy to all future events and whatever actions a rational creature sets out to do have actually been predetermined. However, this is going against the concept of freedom of choice, this is because the premise for legitimate free will would comprise of a non-predetermined course of things since freedom can be loosely defined as a the will by a rational creature to determine its own life and destiny independently. Thus, concisely if God is all knowing, cannot be wrong, and he knows of the human destiny and future action, then it translates that man’s future is predetermined in Gods knowledge of its occurrence and in these premise the concept of free will is fallacious. Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius is one of the sages who have had significant impact on this debate; he posited a solution for this problem which he claims was shown to him in a vision by lady philosophy while he was locked up in prison. On free will he says the fact that humans are capable of reasoning means they possess free will, reason enables them to make logical judgments which translate to decisions (Flew, 175). Therefore, they have the ability and capacity to decide what should be included or excluded from their lives. He further classifies freedom thus; humans are freest when contemplating philosophically and least free when engaged in addictive behavior and bound in earthly fetters. However lady philosophy tells him that, God can foresee our future and puts everyone in the situations that are best fitted for their present needs in his infinite and infallible wisdom. However, this begs the question which had been earlier discussed before that, if the infallible God knows our actions and it is impossible that he is wrong, how then can we claim to have free will, this is because to justify perfect foresight, either what is going to happen must be foresees by him or what he sees must invariably come to pass, nevertheless in either ca se, human freedom is nullified. The solution offered by lady philosophy and which Boethius proposes is that God does not â€Å"know†or see things in the same way as man, he is eternal and the past present and future are simultaneous to him. He does not exist in the same temporal dimensions as humans thus despite the fact that tomorrow is yet to be, he sees it as we do the present, therefore he knows what will happen without directing it to happen (Flew 176).  Therefore, the knowledge of God transcends all that is in the temporal and spatial realms as perceived by man and it exists in the simplicity of a simple present, thus Gods knowledge is not future knowledge but awareness of a consistent present. In other words, one should not think of providence as the causative agent in the cause of things, they happen independently and providence only foresees them because they will happen not to make them happen. In my opinion, Boethius’ reasoning is not tenable, his argume nts go round in circles and coming back to the same point, because he wants to justify two diametrically opposed ideas and makes it appear that both are logical. At the end of the day, if we agree God all knows, his transcendence of time will not change the fact that humans are immersed in it, thus events in his continuous present are occur to humans in different times. Thus, the fact that thing happen as they do, and God presumably is aware of them means free will remains and illusion. However, to borrow from a biblical reasoning, God knows an individual even when they are in
Information Analysis of Organization Systems Case Study
Information Analysis of Organization Systems - Case Study Example The reliance on $50 million loan with annual $10 million balloon payments is an irrational economic base of trying to solve the business problem. The huge debt will limit the company’s growth for five years. Moreover, the JalupaBook project limits the company’s growth by limiting the funding for other prioritized and more beneficial initiatives like manufacturing plant modernization. Ultimately, the organization system relies on an IT department with inexperienced, junior, incompetent staff to design and implement JalupaBook project. The organization systems could not guarantee a suitable market presence and failed to contain the continued decline of the sale of guitars in the last five years. The company decided to change its organization systems to establish a new market that resonates with the modern musical industry. Yes. The company’s competitors are yet to utilize the integrated ecommerce component that promises immense market returns. The company must establish another market to survive. The proposed organization systems correlate with the modern global trends that embrace social media as a business medium. The project seeks to attract potential new customers through social media activities and connections with prominent guitar players. The project aims at enabling customers to interact through social media and establish a new generation of musicians. The company encounters barriers to entry since it is new in online commerce. The company might lose its traditional customers and conservative advertisers who may not prefer online interactions. The huge imminent debt for implementing the project is not feasible. Moreover, the inexperienced and incompetent IT department will jeopardize the project. The company’s gross margins on guitars and guitar amplifiers stand at 42% that supports the project. The company enjoys the highest net margins in the industry with a convincing
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Gasland by Josh Fox Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Gasland by Josh Fox - Movie Review Example The thesis of the documentary seeks to inform the audience about the environmental effects and human effects from natural gas drilling. Indeed, the documentary uses dark humor to discuss a detailed analysis of the broader effects of the controversial extraction method, hydraulic fracturing, or fracking that is rampant across the globe. The documentary seeks to negate the assertion that natural gas is a clean and safe alternative to oil. In addition, the documentary confirms that the fracked wells leak more often thus polluting the environment through water and air pollution, which endangers the environment and disturbs families (Fox Film). Rhetorical (persuasive) Strategies in the Documentary Notably, the documentary uses the three persuasive strategies, which include logos, pathos, and ethos. Moreover, the documentary uses rhetorical devices to apply the persuasive strategies to support the argument. In this context, I will focus on sound, speech, and visual images in discussing the rhetorical (persuasive) strategies in the documentary... The speaker further says that â€Å"a great deal of faith in people that we wouldn’t succumb to frenzy, or rage, or greed; that we’d figure out a solution without destroying the things that we love (Fox Film).†This comes in a convincing tone that asserts respect for the environment. More so, Josh Fox says that the proposal from the natural gas company to lease Fox’s family land for purposes of drilling natural gas generated a debate in the family. Indeed, Fox’s father initially had the thought of leasing the land for the $100,000 offer (Fox Film). On the other hand, Fox tells his father, ‘I think I have to look into this, so give me some time to go ahead and get the facts.†Indeed, even though, Fox said this in a commanding voice, Fox’s father allowed him to seek for facts and evidence regarding the effects of hydraulic fracturing on the community neighboring the drilling site. In fact, Josh Fox is the dominant narrator in the do cumentary where he gives a personal story. He engaged in interviews, discussions, and debates seeking to unearth the possible environmental effects of hydraulic fracturing. As a result, the film offers facts and evidence in spoken form through the interviews. We can actually experience Josh Fox talking with residents suffering from chronic health ailments that relate to air pollution and water contamination from the drilling of the natural gas using the hydraulic fracturing (Fox Film). This offers facts and evidence in spoken form through the discussions. More so, the residents report on their quest for justice where they visited the court to get an injunction seeking damages from the natural gas companies. Â
Friday, July 26, 2019
Why Growth is Good Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Why Growth is Good - Essay Example In the article Why Growth is Good the author asserts that U.S. economy is slowing down but this is not the case of the current times as the nation’s total output of goods and services grew at an annual rate of 2.5 percent from July to September and this rate of growth is double the rate of growth from the last quarter. The economy is not following a brisk pace but showing the signs of take off. But the economic growth of Germany is on the slower side and the government of the concerned country has nearly halved its growth forecasts to one percent. The reason being shocks in exports and the powerhouse of Europe is on the slower side. Government intervention is necessary in cases to push up demand but to a certain extent. Free market is necessary to achieve the equilibrium. Economic growth is the amount of goods and services produced over time. With economic growth, development is creating a healthy environment will come under its purview. Per Capita Income can be taken as a mea sure to capture economic growth. Let the population of country A and B be 20 and 5 respectively and the average income be $ 200 and $100 respectively. It will appear country A as the economically developed country but it is not the case as PCI of country A is 10 and that of country B is 20. Poor countries are often exploited by the richer ones as industries that cause environmental degradation are shifted in those countries. This tends to pollute the natural resources which have negative effects on the life of the people residing in the poor countries. The open up of new industries has created growth or employment opportunities but the darker side of the coin is the extraction of irreversible natural resources. (Office of the Management and Budget, 2010, p.153). The above pie chart proves that U.S. allocates a large proportion of its capacity in social security. The budget of 2001 allocates $ 17.5 billion to support small business access and 25 billion dollars on microloans which wi ll create employment opportunities. A path that leads to most optimal growth path is the toughest to get recognized. Earlier a school of economists believed in trickle down hypothesis where the benefits of growth will trickle down to the people who form the base of the society. But soon another school of economists began to contradict by arguing that those who are in the higher levels of the society will reap all the benefits and the poor will be confined in a vicious circle. This theory was proved right in the later stages. So growth may not create equal opportunities for all (Basu and Mallik, 2007). The statement of the rich gets richer while the poor gets poorer is well known. The statement that middle class is happy to pay taxes and contribute in the welfare is controversial as all are involved in finding out ways to evade taxes and keep their money in their own pockets. Consider the case of China. China announced to lower the GDP target to 7.5 percent which gave rise to mixed f eelings around the globe. This created tremors in the market but some were of the opinion that this strategy will revive China in taking the path of sustainable development. They argue that this would help China to achieve a higher quality and higher level development over a longer time span and all are certain about the amount of welfare sustainable development can bring about (Prasad and Rajan, n.d., p. 1). A recession is followed by recovery. In this phase growth is bound to be slow but this situation is welcomed from every levels of society.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Managing Org Behavior Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Managing Org Behavior - Assignment Example Besides communication, I would also ensure that the problem solving skills exhibited by the team are as efficient as possible so that the team can guide itself in case the manager is not available. This is because disagreements are bound to happen at any time within the group. How the group deals with the disagreements would be of great importance to me as the manager. Moreover, when the group is discussing a problem, I would also be concerned about the participation of the members. This is because when all members are engaged, a certain positive level of coordination is present (Tina). Although criticism may have a negative impression at certain instances, I would encourage the team members to provide constructive criticism, which is essential in creativity and innovation. Furthermore, I would also be concerned about the flexibility of the team. Flexibility is very important when the organization intends to make certain changes within the organization. Adaptation of the team members would be of importance to me, as their manager, since the contemporary world demands flexibility because it is highly competitive. Other characteristics would include how much the team is focused, as a good team is able to focus with the issue at hand and avoid interruption. An effective communicator has certain specific characteristics that ensure the message is passed appropriately. Such a communicator is said to be effective because they provide a clear and a concise message to the audience. Clarity is one of the most important aspects in communication since it helps in elimination of confusion. In addition, a concise message is straight to the point and does not waste the audience’s time. On the other hand, a good communicator understands the audience. This implies that the mode of communication that they adopt does not confuse the audience. An effective communicator also employs empathy for the audience. This involves viewing the
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Animals as Friends, not Scientific Experiments Essay
Animals as Friends, not Scientific Experiments - Essay Example As argued by philosopher David DeGrazia (1996), â€Å"The path to the ethical treatment of animals runs through their minds†(p. 76). His argument stress the value of taking into consideration animals’ mental being, such as their self-consciousness, intelligence, recognition, and ability to feel pleasure and pain, in evaluating the ethical implications of animal experimentation. If the wellbeing of animals rests in his/her emotions, and if such emotions are the mechanism of the mind, then all genuine moral debate over animal welfare should one way or another consider what is in the minds of these animals. DeGrazia (1996) argues, â€Å"What sorts of mental capacities we attribute to animals have a great deal to do with how we think they should be treated†(p.1). The argument of DeGrazia is compelling because it poses crucial and interconnected issues. First, is there truly a difference between the physical and the mental in animal welfare? Are hunger and pain, whi ch are primary concerns of animal welfare, truly associated with the minds of animals? Or are these welfare concerns physical, or a union of the mental and the physical? This paper begins with Albert Schweitzer’s perspective of animal welfare that does not depend on evaluating the mental capabilities of animals, to identify his contribution to the resolution of certain cases of animal experimentation. Albert Schweitzer suggested respect for life as a guideline for interacting with and relating to our environment. According to Schweitzer, an ethical man â€Å"does not ask how far this or that life deserves sympathy as valuable in itself, nor how far it is capable of feeling. To him life as such is sacred. He shatters no ice crystals that sparkles in the sun, tears no leaf from its tress, breaks off no flower, and is careful not to crush any insect as he walks†(Carbone 2004, 48). This statement is inspiring, but does it contribute to the resolution of the issue on how a nd when to research or test on animals? Could the ‘ethical man’ ethically inflict pain on animals for scientific research? Evidently, Schweitzer says yes to the latter question because he is not a critic of animal experimentation. He argues (Carbone 2004, 48): Those who experiment upon animals by surgery and drugs, or inoculate them with diseases in order to be able to help mankind by the results obtained, should never quiet their consciences with the conviction that their cruel action may in general have a worthy purpose. In every single instance they must consider whether it is really necessary to demand of an animal this sacrifice for men. And they must take anxious care that the pain be mitigated as much as possible. He proposed that life should be respected and valued, irrespective of its position on any human hierarchy. However, he acknowledged the special need to draw a line between when to save a life and give up another, but gave practically no instruction for these decisions. By placing his entire focus on the ethical man’s attributes instead on those to whom this ‘ethical man’ should pay moral attention to Schweitzer contributes insignificantly to the cases of animal welfare. Science and technology have their limitations and cannot resolve the ethical issues entrenched in nearly all animal welfare discussions. For example, not every suffering or pain can be presently cured with medicines. What degree of pain requires stopping a scientific resear
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Monopolistic competition Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Monopolistic competition - Research Paper Example Since then, availability has increased across the world and the industry has grown with emergency and growth of new mobile phone companies because demand for cell phones has gone up. Currently, the smart phone market is the most sought after with players in the industry striving for a place in the market. Among the global leaders in the industry are Samsung, Apple, LG, Nokia, LG, and ZTE, while other minor companies tend to dominate their respective regions of operation. Samsung still leads in the smart phone market (Table 1 and Table 2). This paper discusses Samsung as a mobile manufacturer, and its relation to other players in the industry. As a manufacturing company in a highly competitive industry that thrives on innovation and technology, Samsung has perfected the art of customization in its efforts to differentiate its products from those of its competition. In a bid to avoid commoditization therefore, the company customised their production as much as they could. More than 50 percent of the company’s memory chips have been special orders for other manufacturers including Nokia, Microsoft and Dell. At one instance the firm undertook an effort that was aimed at converting its product line to a high end premium goods one from a previously low end commodity product line. In addition, the company has strived to lay an emphasis on hardware technology as opposed to its competition such as Apple and Samsung who concentrate on getting into proprietary content and software such as movies, music, and games. Though there are many mobile phones, each brand or company exhibits a high level of differentiation in the minds of consumers. This could be as a result of continuous usage and thorough advertising. Therefore, existence of a large number of sellers who sell close substitute products that are differentiated has led to monopolistic competition in the mobile phone industry. Samsung competes with other mobile phone companies by exercising
Monday, July 22, 2019
Teenager Substance Abuse Essay Example for Free
Teenager Substance Abuse Essay For youth leaders, this is a study of a teenager who has a substance abuse problem and was released from a detention center. It involves a seventeen old male who abuses marijuana, alcohol, and ecstasy; and is also the son of two ministers. This story should help readers understand the dynamics involved with a teenage drug user and will also help youth leaders develop effective skills for reaching out to a troubled teen in need of support, especially after incarceration. A seventeen-year-old male, Jimmy, lived in a middle-class suburb. Jimmy was referred to me by his sister, ecause she felt my knowledge and past experiences might be helpful in reaching him. Later on I decided to meet and conduct an interview at his house, with his sister present in an adjacent room. During the conversation, several facts emerged. Jimmy had been in trouble with the legal system, mostly for drug possession and motor vehicle infractions. He said he had been kicked out of high school because of his drug use. He had been using alcohol and marijuana since he was about 13. He had more recently been taking ecstasy. When asked why he used drugs, he claimed it educed his boredom and provided a way to escape and have fun. Additionally, it was discerned that his father worked long hours (in the mental health field), and was basically absent from the family. Later, I learned that his father denied his sons habits. The family, which also includes a younger 16-year-old brother, had gone to see a therapist but Jimmy was an unwilling participant. Jimmy noted that he does have a problem with authority figures, like the police, because he believes they are corrupt. Jimmy did admit that police have a Job to do, in terms of protecting people rom harmful practices. Jimmy also realized that there are consequences of drug use and that he was headed for a state prison sentence if he did not improve his actions. He learned that his mother could be arrested under law if he had drugs in her house; this bothered Jimmy. I researched about what state prison was like and told him all about it. Throughout the intervention, then I listened and affirmed the young man without condoning his bad behavior. In the end, I gained his trust and told him that his personal feelings would be kept confidential. I recommended that Jimmy be areful when he with his peers, and I encouraged him to select a friend who would help hold him accountable. I shared my phone number with him. Jimmys behavior improved. The relationship between teens and drugs has been around for decades; however, this is not what you would call positive. Substance abusing (which is using drugs or alcohol in ways than can cause physical harm) is often associated with crime. But why do youths take drugs? Youth take drugs for the following reasons: social disorganization, peer pressure, family factors, emotional, or rational choice. Social isorganization deals with drug abuse to poverty and disorganized urban environment. Drug use by youth minority group members has been tied to factors such as racial prejudice, low-esteem, social status, and stress produced from environment. The National Youth Survey found that drug use tends to be higher among urban youths. problem was bad and the police officer and teachers that worked at my high school had no idea whatsoever what was going on right under their noses seriously, I remember people at football games found this place behind a shed where no one went and they used to smoke and do drugs, it was bad. But of course no one could say anything about anything they saw otherwise that person will get death threats and get their tires slashed in the parking lot and have to go to homecoming fearing for their life. Like one time I remember this girl said something and everyone in the school hated her and she was instantly unpopular. So yes there is a huge drug problem and getting students to rat each other out is so not going to happen. In a perfect world maybe, but in the real world, not a chance. Jimmy is a classic case of a lonely teenager who is never with his parents and is basically always hanging out ith his friends which are a very bad influence. The pattern that I recognize from Jimmy is that he has been wanting to get his parents attention and the only way he gets it, is by consuming excessive alcohol or illegal drugs. Teens feel alone at home and family. They look for something attractive that pleases them. They dont get enough attention from parents. They were not used to get enough attention when they were kids. But when they were kids there were a lot of childish things that could make them busy and temporarily happy. But when they reach 14, those things can ot attract them anymore. They still suffer from lacking of attention and the things that could be a relief for them, have lost their attraction. So they look for new things. Definitely these new things cannot be found in family. They are already disappointed about family. Parents should be trained and educated about these things. They should know that all of these problems come because of lack of attention from one or both parents. One hour attention to children and teens saves hundreds of hours of therapy in future. It prevents a lot of problems that addiction is only one of them. By interviewing Jimmy I found that teenagers see taking / using drugs are Just a way of teenage-hood, most youth will try some sort of drug, maybe Just to try it out or maybe for a reason. This teen said he has taken drugs because it was something to do, and everyone else around him was doing it and it was seen cool to take drugs and that it was a way to escape from the real world. Interviewing Jimmy was very interesting because I could sort of relate what he is going through from when I was in high school. Luckily Jimmy is acting on time before he goes to the wrong path and becomes a failure in life.
Diversity in the Work Place Essay Example for Free
Diversity in the Work Place Essay Diversity in the work place has been a subject of contention for decades whether taken on the perspective of gender parity, in terms of race or considering factors that constitute age of the individuals at the work place. In addition, the contemporary world is changing so fast such that the factors that play role in sustainable social development in the society are generally changing. With organizations like the WLO (World Labor Organization) taking proactive steps towards ensuring equitable resource allocation at the work place for both men and women, it is a point of concern for anyone to consider the capability of women to perform the same task as do men and if they receive or should receive equal payment (Vardy et al 2008). The focal point of this paper is an in-depth scrutiny of whether women are capable of performing the same work as men and if at all they are equally paid for the same job done. In order for the paper to provide a clear view of this issue, it endeavors to analyze the values and judgments pertaining to the present human resource practices. By doing this, it will provide an insight focus on the future of these human resource practices in the work environment. Therefore the backbone of this discussion is the case of gender discrimination at the Home depot stores. Introduction Societal dynamics have put a level ground- or have endeavored to place a level ground- for both men and women to equally benefit from their achievement without discrimination. Nevertheless, the question of equal pay for equal work has persistently beleaguered the American place of work. Though federal and state laws proscribe varied pay rates based on sex, wide-ranging statistics indicate that the American woman has historically continued to receive less pay than the man. To some extent, this disparity comes about as a result of the fact that relatively more women are generally employed in fields like service sector work jobs which are traditionally less paying. On the same platform women’s rights organizations and union maintain that promotion of women employees to the executive positions on limited basis is a clear reflection of gender discrimination at the work place. Historically, professional and executive ranks in organizations have predominantly been occupied by men. Despite the fact that the latest trends show an increase in the number of women obtaining such posts, the proportion of women the population is bigger and therefore they still lag behind significantly (Conrad, 2007). Values, judgments, regarding present Human Resource practices It is worth noting that several legislative acts have been put forth to guide the present human resource practices at the work place. Similarly, these nondiscrimination laws have been intended to provide a guideline for employers to offer equal chances for women and men without discrimination. Despite these laws there is still more to be done as general trends show that there is still disparity and pay gaps. Other than these nondiscrimination laws, the central government and various states have implemented affirmative action laws since 1970s. These laws require employers should apply fairness and be just when recruiting employees and promoting. Though some business entities slowly embraced the laws they still remain to be among the most difficult issues Along with issues about a womans place in the work force, they continue to be some of the most complicated issues concerning American employers and workers (Swartz et al 2007). Gender and Sexual Orientation in the Workplace Women are playing a progressively more significant function in the workplace. Nonetheless with statistics showing that the gender disparity is still wide open, employers cannot afford to overlook gender-related matters and have to carry on with the endeavor to avert gender inequalities in the place of work. A number of legislations have been enacted to act as a guiding line for employers in the modern workplace. Thus the federal agencies have recognized the importance of making the workplace a friendly and fairly rewarding place to those who are employed there without discrimination. Among the regulations include the Equal Pay act, sex Discrimination Act and regulations like Employment Equality regulation (Vardy et al 2008). Case: Sex Discrimination Lawsuit against Wal-Mart Overview of Wal-Mart Wal-Mart Stores, Incorporation is an American public corporation that operates a chain of large, price cut department stores. It is the worlds biggest public corporation by returns. It is also the world largest retailer with over 7,200 stores with close to 975 discount stores. Wal-mart employs about 700,000 women and counts as the largest private sector employer of women in the United States. It is only unfortunate that these women employees have had to endure conditions of unequal pay and favoritism in advancement and assignments of tasks. These inequities happen at all levels of management in the organization starting from the worker who works on hourly basis up to the one at the senior management level (Swartz et al 2007). Current Lawsuit Wal-Mart Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Wal-Mart is presently confronted with the likelihood of compensating out billions of dollars in recompense for purportedly discriminating against the thousands of women workers. A group of courageous women came forth to claim for compensation for alleged discrimination at work. As a snapshot of the corporation, it has close to a million employees in the US and Canada. Among these employees, over 40% are female. The problem that arises is that of the 40% only and in fact less than 30% of the management positions are held by female employees. Values and Judgments Most organizations have taken a proactive stance towards creating an environment for equal opportunity devoid of gender discrimination. Globalization and the general paradigm shift that has made the idea of integration fast acceptable and worth embracing have also made it possible for organizations all over the globe to embrace the changes that call for equality at the place of work. In this manner therefore the modern organization is up on heels to create a climate of equal opportunity by coming up with models and frameworks that are specifically geared towards managing diversity. The problem that comes along this is that the contemporary working environment is heavily complicated and therefore a number of business entities, for fear of change or uncertain about the impact of change are reluctant to embrace such measures. Those embracing it are doing it at a lag pace. This arises from the complexity of the manner in which environmental issues, values, factors, and cognitions create diverse perceptions concerning fair treatment at the place of work. The group of women who advanced a case against Wal-Mart identified a number of malpractices in human resources management at the corporation. There are several tactics employed by Wal-Mart to d discriminate against women employees. These tactics are basically executed through methods ranging from pay disparities to denial of promotion (Vardy et al 2008) Unequal Pay The women decried the two pay scales used at Wal-Mart and identified it as a major hitch in human resources management practices. This practice shortchanges the women since they perform the same job and tasks just as men yet men workers are paid between five and fifteen percent more than women. On the same platform, further statistics indicate that even if the women were given a promotion into management this does not guarantee them any better as far as fair treatment is concerned. Though women at the corporation have higher ratings and longer seniority ratings on average as compared to their male counterparts, those who make it to the top management positions are still discriminated against as they receive an annual pay about $5,000 less than the man counterpart in the same position. Male management trainees receive an annual pay nearly $5,000 more than female counterparts. And the top executive positions are also not spared. Women employees holding top executive positions at Wal-Mart are exposed to discrimination. This is evident from the fact that the women employee who holds this position receives an average of about $279,800 on annual basis as compared to a male counterpart who receives more than three- quarters of this more. Methodical Denial of Advancement Despite the fact that women employees constitute more than 70% of the workforce in the corporation men dominate the ranks of management. Women only comprise less than 35% of managers and less than 20% of the managers. Lower paying jobs in the corporation are concentrated with women where they make the biggest percentage. Jobs like sales associates and cashiers are filled b y women in percentages than men. Wal-Mart is trapped in the Past Wal-Mart provides work for fewer women in administration in the present day than its competitors did in 1975. Twenty equivalent traders employed an average of 41. 6% women managers by then. Today, Wal-Mart provides employment for slightly over 30%. Today, Wal-Mart’s competitors have over 55% of management positions made up of women employees constitute (Christian et al 2006). Women encounter unreasonable barriers to promotion at Wal-Mart On average, a male employee takes about 2 years to be promoted to the rank of assistant manager, counted from the day of hire. The woman employee will be promoted to the same rank in about four years’ period. Impediments are created in the organization and hinder women from getting promotion as their male counterparts. For instance, one among the women who sued the corporations said that though she had worked for seven years at the company and managed to receive evaluations indicating â€Å"goes beyond expectations†was advised to commit herself in writing to working overnight in the stores for two years when she expressed a desire to be accorded a promotion. This was strange since the men employees were not required to undergo such process to be promoted. Key Success Factors for Women in Management positions Though women at work place have been discriminated in several ways, there are also several factors that influence women’s future career development in management. Campaigns have been staged world over by a number of organizations both governmental and non-governmental to promote education without discriminating against girls. This has made it possible for women to prosper in various management positions thus gaining representation in fields like science and other professional jobs. Women continue to excel in these areas just as men. A study was carried out in Turkey which explored the factors that play role in women’s career advancement. The study revealed that though women have a substantial representation in professional and scientific jobs, they are only represented by 4% in top management. The most significant factor that was identified as a major barrier to women’s career advancement is the cultural norms towards gender roles. Cultural norms that are bent and biased against women in the society extend into the field of management thus causing the same bias against women even in management of business entities (Conrad, 2007). Verdict In conclusion, the supreme court dealing with the issue of Wal-Mart discrimination against women is likely to suggest that the group of women be compensated by the corporation for the wrong done. The future of women performance and appraisal at the workplace looks bright since if several of such rulings are passed in favor of the wronged groups of women, other likely perpetrators of women discrimination will hold back. This will encourage the appreciation of the fact that the modern woman is capable of performing the same duty the man performs and the employing organization should find no trouble paying her for the task. Works Cited Christian, J. , Porter L. W. , and Moffitt G. â€Å"Workplace Diversity and Group Relations: An Overview Group Processes Intergroup Relations†, (2006). 9, (4). 459-466. Conrad, Alison M. (Ed) â€Å"Hand Book of workplace Diversity†2007. Swartz L. Garden, Rowe A. , Digh P. and Bennett, M. â€Å"The Global Diversity: Supervision of an International Workforce†2007 Vardy, F. J. J. and Morgan, J. â€Å"Diversity in the Workplace†2008
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Discharge Plans: a Case Study
Discharge Plans: a Case Study It may come as a shock to caretakers of the patient that discharge planning may commence as soon as a patient has been admitted. This does not necessarily mean that the patient is being released for home, but rather it means that plans are being put in place for a successful discharge plan to take place. Information is gathered about the patient, how they live, for example, do they live with others, are they dependent or independent (Birjandi Bragg 2009). Caretakers are actively involved in a discharge plan provided the patient gives consent. Once the patient shows improvement, it is clear that further recovery in a hospital set-up is not likely to take place and thus they are sent to an environment they may adopt to their needs; their home. Birjandi, A Bragg, (2009) say that discharge planning is essential and should be done right, whether the discharge is to a rehabilitation center, a nursing home or the client’s home. Medical practitioners should have an ideal discharge plan as studies have shown that improvement in hospital discharges with great outcomes when appropriate discharge plans are made. Healthcare givers, family members and patients themselves have a great role to play after discharge in maintaining good health. Even though discharge planning is essential in patients health there is inconsistence in both the discharge process and the quality of discharge planning in most of the health care system. In this paper, we shall look at a discharge plan for a client with the cerebral vascular accident from hospital to their home. We shall look at initial assessment of the client at the time of admission; determine the possible discharge needs, family involvement in decision making and how to transport the client to their destination. Birjandi, A Bragg, L. (2009) describe discharge planning as a method used to decide the requirements of a patient as they shift from one level of care to another, only doctors may approve patients release from a health facility, but the actual discharge plan may be done by a nurse, case manager, case manager. Complicated conditions such as cerebral vascular accident may have a team approach. Well organized discharge planning may reduce the chances of re-hospitalization and aid in recovery; ensure medications are well prescribed and administered correctly. In general a discharge plan should involve the following; evaluation of the client by qualified practitioner, discussion with both the client and the caregiver, planning of the transfer process and homecoming of the client, determining whether the caretaker needs more training or any other kind of support, referral to support an organization or care agency and finally arranging for follow up activities. In our case we shall look at Ms. Kate a 76 year-old female who was admitted from the emergency department with a diagnosis of Right Cerebra Vascular Accident. Her Past Medical History includes: hyperlipidemia, hypertension, osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis. Neurological: left-sided weakness for the past 2 days, awake, alert, and oriented to person, place, and time. Denied swallowing difficulties, no visual defects and denied pain. Medications: Aspirin 81mg per oral daily; Tylenol 650mg per oral when necessary for pain; Cerebral vascular and pulmonary: Placed on a cardiac monitor, findings indicated normal sinus rhythm. Vital signs taken every 4 hours, pulse 82; blood pressure 168/64; respirations 20. Lung sounds were clear to auscultation bilaterally. Oxygen Saturation on room air 97%. Gastrointestinal: Abdomen soft, non-tender, not distended, positive bowel sounds. Bowel movement present Genitourinary: Voids freely, requiring assistance to the bathroom. Output approximately 1000ml/day. Brief episode of dysuria on admission. Integumentary: skin intact, no lesions noticed Musculoskeletal: Active range of motion right side; limited range of motion on the left side; required assistant to get into a wheelchair. History of recent balance problems. Psychosocial: lives with daughter in a two story home; occupation: retired teacher Discharge needs were discussed with the caretaker, these included the physical condition of the family before and after hospitalization, the details of the kind of care required by the client were discussed, included information of the patients prognosis, what activities she might need to help with; information about the clients medication and diet should be given, any extra equipment that was deemed necessary such as wheelchair, oxygen and who will be in charge of the clients meal preparation, transport to referrals and support groups. The daughter who lives with Mr. Kate was involved in the discharge process, her ability and willingness to provide care to her mother was assessed, and the results were as follows; she felt it was too early for her discharge, as she did not have time to spare to take care of her mother as her work was demanding. She also had concerns about she would go about transporting her mother from the bed to her chair and taking her to the bathroom. She was referred to help agencies that assist in taking care of patients at their homes at a paid fee. Several agency information was availed to her, with instructions to come up with a decision on which one to use. She was also given a choice to hire an individual at a fee or hire nurses or case managers or other persons familiar with the condition. Ambulance services were given as an option to transport the patient to their home at a small fee at the time of discharge or the client may use assisted transport to their homes, wheelchair or stretchers were suggested be used for our client as she could walk with assistance. This was done in advance and the patient was fully responsible for this kind of transport arrangement. Discharge planning varies according to the hospital set up and the person who initiates it, and what kind of follow-up is needed, and whether the care takers are assessed for their ability to cater for the client’s needs. The transition of care and discharge planning all centered on improving the quality of care administered to a client, for example, education the care givers and training them on the conditions of their patients, encouraging preventive care and including caretakers to be part of the health care team. Simple steps such as exchanging patient’s progress regularly with the doctors or the health team increase the chances of effective follow up care. Telephone conversions, post discharge with doctors also helps to anticipate problems and improve care at home. Corey, G., Corey, M., Callanan, P. (2003) suggest that relative to discharge planning with some patient, there may be underlying issues that contribute to ethical dilemmas. As case managers, we should take reasonable steps to safeguard the interests and rights of those clients. Ethical dilemma occurs when an individual has to choose between two or more conflicting ethical standards. There is no one right answer and there is no easy answer! Codes of ethics provide guidelines, but don’t necessarily tell us what to do. Using a hierarchical ethical decision-making approach can help you achieve an acceptable resolution. Mattison, (2000) reminds us that utilizing an ethical decision-making model doesn’t result in bias-free decisions. Our values still come into play utilizing an ethical decision-making model and we may not be aware of it! First of all, it is important to remember clients’ rights to self determination and autonomy clients have the right to make poor de cisions. However, the role of the case manager is different in this situation depending on the client’s cognitive capacity for decision making. If the client has capacity, the focus is on ensuring the client is making an informed decision and reassuring the care team, which includes the family, about resources to maximize safety. If the client does not have capacity, the focus is identifying someone who can act on the client’s behalf and exploring alternatives for creating a safe discharge in respect of the client’s wishes. For the client When the care team perceives discharge unsafe; Promote informed consent this involves educating the client about the team’s concerns related to his or her safety and potential consequences associated with an unsafe discharge. Review and encourage the use of resources to maximize safety, this involves identifying the services the client will need in a lesser care environment for the discharge to be successful. For the care team May not be aware of resources available to enable older adults to live safely in their own homes; reviewing these resources can eliminate concerns. May be worried about remote dangers that should not trump client autonomy and self determination, i.e. â€Å"If there was a fire, he would have difficulty escaping.†When the care giver does not appear able to provide care. Sometimes family members or other caregivers wish to care for a client in a lesser care environment, but there are concerns about their ability to do so. In this situation, family/caregiver education is an important intervention. When the caregiver does not seem able to provide care; Approaches to family/caregiver education: Convene a team conference with them to review the client’s level of care and specific care needs. Have the individual assume full responsibility for care for a period of time while in a safe environment (i.e. Work a 4-hour shift as his/her loved one’s caregiver in the nursing home so he/she is fully informed of what to expect in terms of career. Often this will result in the family member realizing for themselves that the care is too much and they will either not be able to do it or will need to have outside support. Alternatively, sometimes family members will actually do well, relieving the team’s fears about their ability. Try a short trial visit in the lesser care environment, say 24-48 hours, with a planned return to the higher care setting to debrief re: problems encountered. When a client or caretaker refuses necessary service; again, it is important to remember clients’ rights to self determination and autonomy clients have the right to make poor decisions. However, sometimes what seems to be a â€Å"poor†decision is based on misinformation or other concerns; it is important for case managers to explore factors contributing to the refusal of services deemed necessary by the care team. Potential factors contributing to service refusal; Cost; sometimes clients and their families don’t feel recommended services are (or will be) affordable. Have referred agency review associated costs with them; sometimes services are not as much as anticipated. Assist client/family to access sources of financial support such as Medicaid. Reframe costs as in terms of future savings, i.e. Paying a little for care now will prevent costly hospitalizations in the future. Discomfort with the thought of strangers in the home. Validate this concern; it is un comfortable having unfamiliar people help with intimate tasks in one’s private domain. Arrange for client/family to meet potential service providers ahead of time to minimize anxiety. Additional factors potentially contributing to service refusal; misunderstandings regarding the purpose of recommended services. Feelings of guilt or shame related to not being able to provide all care independently. Recommended services don’t fit client/family’s cultural belief system. Past negative experiences with similar services Caretaker unwilling to have client return home; this is one of the most heart-wrenching ethical dilemmas to deal with and can bring up many issues of counter-transference; good self-care and supervision is important. Things to keep in mind; Client has a right to return to his or her own home, caretaker has a right not to provide care if this is something he or she is uncomfortable with, There may be a history of domestic violence or other traumatic relationship issues contributing to spouse/partner’s reluctance, Spouse/partner may be unaware of support services available to assist with care management and that the Client may be at risk for elder abuse. For clients with capacity, living environments deemed â€Å"unsafe†may simply represent differences in lifestyle choices between client and the care team. For example, client’s home is cluttered, smells like cats, and there are dirty dishes and dust everywhere, but is not actually hazardous in any way. Case manager’s role: advocate for clients and educate them, offer services to assist client with home management. If home is in disrepair, infested with rats, covered with mold and rotting garbage hazardous situation indicative of deeper problems. Case manager’s role: further assessment regarding client’s capacity and whether interventions can make home livable; recognize that sometimes it is just not possible for clients to return home We may conclude by stating that effective discharge planning and transitional care have real benefit in improving the out-come of a patient and bringing down the rate of re-hospitalization of the same patients. Reference Birjandi, A., Bragg, L. (2009). Discharge planning handbook for health care: Top 10 secrets to unlocking a new revenue pipeline. Boca Raton: CRC Press. Corey, G., Corey, M., Callanan, P. (2003). Issues and ethics in the helping professions, 6th edition. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole. Mattison, M. (2000). Ethical decision-making: The person in the process. Social Work, 45 (3), 201-212. The Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck | Analysis The Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck | Analysis Jan van Eyck. The Arnolfini Portrait. Jan van Eyck The Portrait of Giovanni (?) Arnolfini and his Wife Giovanna Cenami (?) (The Arnolfini Marriage). 1434. Oil in oak. 81.8 x 59.7 cm. The National Gallery, London. The Arnolfini Portrait startles us by its apparent realism and attention to detail, which seem to anticipate Dutch painting of two centuries later. Much of the effect is owing to van Eyck’s use of oil-based paints. He is often called the inventor of oil painting, though it seems more likely that he and his brother discovered the potential of the new medium by developing a varnish which dried at a consistent rate, allowing Jan to â€Å"make a glossy colour which could be applied in transparent layers or ‘glazes’†¦ and put on the glittering highlights with a pointed brush†(Gombrich, 240). The new medium was miraculous in its suitability for depicting metals and jewels (as well as the individual strands of hair in a dog’s coat!), and, as Sister Wendy Beckett says, â€Å"more significantly, for the vivid, convincing depiction of natural light†(Beckett, 64). Equally original is the setting and milieu, for this is a â€Å"bourgeois commissio n†(Levey, 68), set not in a palace or a church but in a room in an ordinary house, every detail of which is depicted with total accuracy and naturalism, and shown, as Sir Kenneth Clark noted, â€Å"by a miracle that defies the laws of art-history†¦ enveloped in daylight as close to experience as if it had been observed by Vermeer of Delft†(Clark, 104). Despite the naturalism of the scene, it is likely that the objects depicted are rich in symbolic meaning. The couple stand in a room, shown with precise concern for perspective – Levy calls it a â€Å"perspective cube†(Levey, 68). They are dressed very richly, and stand in poses that suggest ceremony and serious purpose, hence the supposition that we are witnessing a marriage – as van Eyck is doing quite literally. He can be seen with another witness reflected in the convex mirror on the wall, i.e. standing at the point from which the perspective view runs, and he has left his signature above the mirror, in a legal Gothic script, saying that he â€Å"was here†(â€Å"only a moment ago, one might think†(Huizinga, 259)), not just that he painted this. The couple stand apart, as if separated by ceremonial considerations. He takes her right hand in his left, and raises his right as if to complete a vow or pledge. She has a shy expression, while he is earnest and solemn. His dress is sumptuous and expensive, hers is lavish and modest, in green, â€Å"the colour of affection†(Baldass, 76). If this is the holy sacrament of marriage, to complete its validity there should be consummation, which is why we are in a bedroom. In other parts of the room are objects painted with scrupulous accuracy, which at the same time have an iconographic purpose which is relevant to the ritual of marriage. The little dog is a symbol of fidelity. The shoes cast aside show that the couple stand unshod â€Å"since this is the ground of a holy union†(Beckett, 64). The fruit on the window sill are either a reference to fertility or a reminder of the fatal apple. The single candle flame in the magnificently rendered candelabra – a light which is not necessary for illumination – suggests the eye of God. Carved on the chair back is an image of St Margaret, a saint associated with childbirth, and the arms of the chair and the prie-dieu are decorated with the lions of the throne of Solomon. Most spectacular of all is the painting of the mirror, which with its convex shape reflects back the whole interior, together with the image of the painter and another man. Its frame is decorated with ten medallions show ing events from the life of Christ, â€Å"intended to emphasise that the Original Sin is atoned for by the Passion of Christ†(Baldass, 75). To emphasise the symbolic meanings of the objects in the painting (of which we cannot always be certain) is by no means to detract from the astonishing realism of the scene. The van Eycks began their careers as manuscript illustrators, and the concern for detail is apparent everywhere. The dog is intensely real, charming, and of no identifiable breed. The texture of materials is rendered in the finest detail, in the gilding of the candelabra and the way the light catches it, the glint of the beads in the rosary hanging by the mirror, and of course the glass of the mirror itself, and its concave shape giving a curved reflection of the room. The light is caught precisely on the inward curve of the medallion roundels in the frame. The presentation of the clothing is meticulous, both in the texture of the cloth and in the way it hangs on the body. Even the grain of the wood in the floorboards is exact. Colour too is handled with great subtlety, the green of her dress, with traces of blue in the undersleeves, set off against the rich red of the bed hangings, both lit by the single source of light, the window to the left. It is as if â€Å"a simple corner of the real world has suddenly been fixed on to a panel as if by magic†(Gombrich, 243). Huizinga makes a point related to this concern for total realism, that it is immensely valuable for us to see a late medieval artist depicting private life, and not bound by the requirements of the court or the Church. â€Å"The Master†¦ need not portray the majesty of divine beings nor minister to aristocratic pride†(Huizinga, 258). Van Eyck’s Gothic signature and declaration on the wall suggests that the whole piece might be a sort of legal act of witnessing. The whole conception marks the shift from the medieval to the modern world, because the witnessing is literally established for us through the precise application of the rules of perspective. The scene is viewed through the eyes of the man reflected in the mirror, and it is the view of the single observer which is to form the convention of painting from van Eyck until the end of the nineteenth century. In the Arnolfini portrait â€Å"the artist became the perfect eye-witness in the truest sense of the term †(Gombrich, 243). Works Cited Baldass, L. Jan Van Eyck. London: Phaidon, 1952. Beckett, Sister Wendy. The Story of Painting. London: Dorling Kindersley, 1994. Clark, K. Civilisation. A Personal View. London: BBC, 1969. Gombrich, E.H. The Story of Art. London: Pahidon, 1995. Huizinga, J. The Waning of the Middle Ages. New York: Anchor, 1949. Levey, M. From Giotto to Cezanne. London: Thames and Hudson, 1962.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Jane Eltons Identity Conflict in Catherine Maria Sedgwick’s A New Engl
Jane Elton's Identity Conflict in Catherine Maria Sedgwick’s A New England Tale In her article â€Å"‘But is it any good?’: Evaluating Nineteenth-Century American Women’s Fiction,†Susan Harris provides methods and criteria for examining Women’s Fiction in what she calls â€Å"process analysis†(45). To apply Harris’ guidelines to Catherine Maria Sedgwick’s A New England Tale, I must first â€Å"acknowledge the ideological basis of [my] endeavor†(45) as a feminist/equalitist critique of the text. Furthermore, I identify the three-fold approach that Harris describes as historical, in distinguishing early nineteenth-century from mid- to late-century attitudes, rhetorical, in labeling Sedgwick’s communication to readers didactic, and ideological, by understanding my objections stem from twenty-first-century attitudes. Harris also explains, â€Å"If we look at them as both reactive and creative†¦we can understand [texts’] aesthetic, moral, and political values†(45); I consider A New England Tale to have a sentimental aesthetic, a Christian morality, and a support of female subordination. The concern of this paper is the â€Å"happy ending,†typical in Women’s Fiction according to Harris (46), present in A New England Tale, in which Jane Elton sacrifices her autonomous self through marrying Mr. Lloyd. I will critique this ending by applying several of the points Harris makes, including the conflict between theme and structure, the â€Å"extended quest for autonomy†(50), and the issue of the self-willing and â€Å"socially determined self†(54); also, I will discuss the sexual and religious politics Jane faces, as well as the importance of her role as educator. Readers can understand the autonomous self to which I refer in a nineteenth-century context: this do... ...orphaned, to abused, to truly loved. Therefore readers supporting these stances likely align with Sedgwick in viewing Jane’s marrying Mr. Lloyd as better than her marrying Erskine; however, consider that Sedgwick promotes Christian morality/values. Contemporary non-religious feminist/equalitist readers would likely desire for Jane to live independently: while this may not have been historically feasible, we can still prefer that Jane choose loyally to her self, that if she must marry, her choice does not sacrifice her identity. Works Cited and Consulted Foster, Edward Halsey. Catharine Maria Sedgwick. New York: Twayne, 1974. Harris, Susan K.. "'But is it any good?': Evaluating Nineteenth-Century American Women's Fiction." American Literature 63 (March 1991): 42-61. Sedgwick, Catherine Maria. A New England Tale, and Miscellanies. New York: Putnam, 1852.
Free Color Purple Essays: Shug and Celie :: Color Purple Essays
Shug and Celie in The Color Purple  The relationship between Shug and Celie cuts very deep. Both of them help each other become what they really need to be. Both Celie and Shug were very oppressed people. Celie was oppressed by her lack of caring, and by her lack of self esteem. Shug is caught in other people's image of her. She is not free to become what she really wants to be, which is a loving member of a loving family, which she never really had. This is shown by the quote on page 125-6. "(Mama) never love to do nothing had to do with touching nobody, she say. I try to kiss her, she turn her mouth away. Say, Cut that out, Lillie." Celie freed Shug from the role that everybody wanted her to fit into, and Shug freed Celie from the psychological bonds that were keeping her from making of her life what she wanted it to be, by being a mixture of friend, idol, lover, and teacher. Both Celie and Shug became what they were told they would. Celie was always told that she was ugly, that she was useless, that she was worthless. Alphonso and Mr.----- never lost an opportunity to tell her so. And so Celie became and believed she was ugly, useless, and worthless. Even Shug, when she first met her, exclaimed "You sure is ugly" (pg.48). Shug was told, first by her mother and then in the "respectable people's" opinion, that she was a whore, that she was wicked, and so she became a Temptress of sorts. "Even the preacher got his mouth on Shug Avery, now she down. He take her condition for his text. He don't call no name, but he don't have to. Everybody know who he mean. He talk about a strumpet in short skirts, smoking cigarettes, drinking gin. Singing for money and taking other women mens. Talk about slut, hussy, heifer, and streetcleaner." (Pg 46). She was the woman that all the men wanted and all the women hated, because there was so much she dared to do and so little anyone could do to stop her. However, neither of them necessarily wanted to take part in those roles, and both of them felt confined in them. Shug has a certain "Venus Image" in the novel. She fits the role of the seductive woman, the temptress, the devil.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Essay on Internet Privacy - Carnivore, and the Power Of FBI Surveillanc
Carnivore: The Power Of FBI Surveillance     Abstract: This paper provides an analysis of the privacy issues associated with governmental Internet surveillance, with a focus on the recently disclosed FBI tool known as Carnivore. It concludes that, while some system of surveillance is necessary, more mechanisms to prevent abuse of privacy must exist.  Communication surveillance has been a controversial issue in the US since the 1920's, when the Supreme Court deemed unwarranted wiretaps legitimate in the case of Olmstead v United States. Since telephone wires ran over public grounds, and the property of Olmstead was not physically violated, the wiretap was upheld as lawful. However, the Supreme Court overturned this ruling in 1967 in the landmark case of Katz v United States. On the basis of the fourth amendment, the court established that individuals have the right to privacy of communication, and that wiretapping is unconstitutional unless it is authorized by a search warrant. [Bowyer, 142-143] Since then, the right to communication privacy has become accepted as an integral facet of the American deontological code of ethics. The FBI has made an at least perfunctory effort to respect the public's demand for Internet privacy with its new Internet surveillance system, Carnivore. However, the current implementation of Carnivore unne cessarily jeopardizes the privacy of innocent individuals.  There is considerable utilitarian value in extending privacy rights to the Internet. The fear that communication is being monitored by a third party inevitably leads to inefficiency, because individuals feel a need to find loopholes in the surveillance. For instance, if the public does not feel comfortable with communica... ... best way to establish this balance of power is by requiring the FBI to have the ISP's perform the searches themselves.    Works Cited Kevin W. Bowyer. "Ethics And Computing". IEEE Press, New York. 2001. (142-143).  Patrick Ross. September 2000  Patrick Riley. Fox News. July 11th, 2000  Donald M. Kerr. FBI. September 6th, 2000  IITRI. November 17th, 2000.  Thomas C. Greene. The Register December 19th, 2000  Chris Oakes. Wired News.,1283,37470,00.html July 12th, 2000
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Relativism and Morality Essay
Relativism is the idea that one’s beliefs and values are understood of one’s society culture or even one’s own individual values. (Mosser, 2010). With that being said everyday a person from a culture conducts some kind of moral choice. The moral choice that he or she chooses may be viewed as right or wrong by other cultures. In this paper â€Å"some moral minima†by Lenn E. Goodman there are views of different aspects of morality and relativism and Goodman argues that certain things are just wrong. (antiessays. com). Goodman discusses issues on subjects such as slavery,genocide,terrorism,murder,rape,polygamy, and incest. I agree with Goodman on these issues because these is never a good time to kill for the sake of killing, rape for the sake of sex, or take ones rights away for the sake of gaining respect or wealth. Goodman basically discusses that every person whether it be man, woman, or child has the rights to live and be free from any and all inhumane treatment. Goodman’s main understanding is not to be quick on judging things we don’t understand, but to judge those things that are not morally right. I believe that all people are equal and have the right to live their own life as do the violators should have no rights to commit those unruly acts of wrong. Who are we to judge anyone or why should others have the right to murder, rape, or rip the rights of people away from them? The bible states, â€Å"do unto others as you would have others do unto you†. (Matthew, 7:12, Standard Version). I believe this is the best way to look at the situation on any of these issues. Some Moral Minima Based on different sociology dissertations, morality has been an issue that many societies globally have been trying to contend. This term is used to describe the code of acceptable behaviors in given context or society. On the other hand moral minima is a word that goes hand in hand with mortality. This essentially sets a standard or rather a principle by which the members of a society have to adhere to so that they may be considered to be operating within the limits of proper moral conduct. The advent of civilization has given room to various forms that moral minima can be derived. As such, morality has become an issue that is interpreted in different ways depending on the angle at which one looks or evaluates it. (Goodman,2010, p.87). Therefore, this has given rise to at least three areas where mortality is supposedly received or obtained. Firstly, morality can be considered relative to the laws of a given nation so that what the law stipulates as right then is morally upright. Secondly, morality can be said to have also been derived from religion where the various religion affiliations have their own holy books by which members are beseeched to behave in a certain manner. Finally, it is the personally source of morality. This is what has sparked a lot of controversy as is subject to millions of interpretation and understandings. Consequently, this is what I believe triggered influential philosophers like Lenn Goodman to spirited argument that there are some things, which are certainly wrong. In this regard, this study seeks to explore the credits or challenges Goodman presents in his assertions (Goodman, 2010, p. 88). Lenn Goodman argues that there are certain things that are simply wrong. Do you think Goodman is right? In Goodman argument, Goodman confirms the existence of four fundamental and universal things that fall under the category of wrong and unacceptable acts in society-moral minima. First is genocide that encompasses politically instigated famine and germ warfare. Second is the act of terrorism that also includes kidnapping and child labor force especially as warriors. Next category is polygamy that may also be extended to cover slavery and incest. Rape and female genital mutilation are also another category (Goodman, 2010, p. 89). The majority of what Goodman has outlined in her arguments in the eyes of most civilized population is regard as acts directed to deny any human beings the right to a comfortable life and as such immoral. Therefore, I believe that Goodman was extremely right to list down the ills that affect or can affect any society. (Goodman,2010 p. 90). Using specific examples, explore the challenges Goodman presents to relativism However, Goodman’s postulations have not been spared the critical thoughts of brains that’s always formulated questions to attempt and challenge facts. Considering that we live in a world where everything is subject to varied interpretations theory of relatively. Some of the Goodman’s ideas gravely contradict the customs and traditions, which have largely been acceptable in some societies. For instance, by saying that polygamy is simply wrong is quite controversial as is subject to a wide range of interpretations. Determine whether you think there are such universal moral requirements From the above instances, it becomes so clear that there is nothing like universal moral requirements. In fact, it is even exceedingly shocking to find out that even that behavior or action, which generally is wrong, is being practiced somewhere else without raising eyebrows. Let us take a case of terrorism. Evidently, human life is sacred, and every person would love to live forever. However, consider the terrorism acts that are being carried out by some Muslim extremists in the name of fulfilling religious obligation- holy Jihad (Goodman, 2010, p. 92). (www. blogspot. com) The above discussion makes me conclude that it is simply impossible to have universal moral minima. In my honest opinion I really am not sure and will never be fully sure if Goodman will be completely right forever. The way the world is constantly changing on a daily basis it’s hard to say what will happen in our future. Basically we all will have to just take it day by day. In addition, considering that no one is one hundred percent perfect it is wrong and unacceptable to stick in totality to the ideas of one person without questioning. Therefore, relativity ultimately haunts the universe as far as moral minima are concerned (Goodman, 2010, p. 93). (www. blogspot. com) REFERENCES: Mosser, K. (2010). Ethics and Social Responsi,bility. 13500 Evening Creek Drive North, Suite 600, San Diego,CA 92128: Bridgepoint Education
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Program Design of an Outpatient Adolescent Prevention Essay
The adolescence play is often characterized as the st long time of maturing from childhood to adulthood. This peg of maturing commonly occurs at the age of 12 for males and 14 for females. This is where significant developments in both physical and mental abilities of an respective(prenominal) begin to happen as early on signs of puberty serious stop. This is the moment where a someone or an individual endures to operate fit to his or her sustain personal views in livelihood and practice independence from their guardians. Furthermore, adolescence is the horizontal surface of trials where teenagers be expected to be officious in doing things that differ from the usual, which forget quit their urges due to their growing curiosity.Professionals normally pose adolescence as the virtually critical stage of growing up. This is where an invidual experiences sudden changes in sexual drives, acquire mood swings, develop consanguinity with the opposite gender, and encounte r divers(prenominal) kinds of difficulties in shool and at home. Apart from these technical defiinitions of adolescence stage, it is overly the stage where early people from 12 to 19 years old start to be involved in several(predicate) types of shopping mall iniquity ( Health, 2008). There atomic fleck 18 different kinds of substance cry that adolescence be faced with, namely, cigargonttes, alcohol, and doses. These are the most popular substances of modern time amongst teenager. According to fresh reasearch archives, data fates that alcohol and medicate abuse are the most common substance that teenagers abuse. In 2006, there was 1.2 million immatures from 12 to 17 years old who take in cigerettes 631,000 drank alcohol and 586,000 experienced medicine addiction (Focus Adolescent Services, 2008). This data clearly indicates that most of young individuals in the puberty stage are involved to these kinds of abuses. Figures mentioned show that do do me dicatess abuse has the lowest percentage of abuse among the three substances. Continuous efforts and weapons platformmes to decrease the number of adolescents involved in medicate habituation is constantly unavoidable be pass water of the high potentiality hazardous performance it can pillow slip to the life of young individuals. Moreover, efforts and supportive programs are implemented over the years, con statusring the serious effect that do medicines abuse can cause on the lives of the youth. Because of the active campaign to appointment adolescents dose dependency, achievement is evident in substantiative results that show the decreasig number of young ones involved in drugs. One potent carriage of manipulation for adolescent drug dependency is by means of drug rehabilitation centers. This is the tralatitious method for treating drug dependency among individuals. These centers are characterized as the special environment for drug abusers coming from differe nt backgrounds, who are advised to stay in the facility for a certain terminus of time to achieve the indispensable handling for addiction. These treatments include detoxification and counselling for possible success of recuperation from drug dependents ( out persevering). In addition, drug rehabilitation centers gurantee to neatly accost the required medications of drug addicts by dint of impressive programs conducted by professional doctors, psychiatrists and counsellors. Aside from the traditional government agency of drug rehabilitation, another possible way to properly cross the abuse of drugs among teenagers is through outpatient rehabilitation. This program has the same purpose of addressing indispensable medications for adolescent drug abusers. However, with this type of program, patients no longer need to stay inside(a) the rehabilitation center to get needed attention from addiction to recover from drug abuse. Basically, outpatient rehabi litation is like a live-in residential program that is usually through with(p) at home ( outpatient).Although outpatient program is advisable for lowly cases only, it has a big potential to be as effective as the traditional rehabilitation center. With the proper formulation and implementation of this program for adolescents involved in drug abuse, outpatient program can be a reliable way to properly address drug abuse among teenager. Furthermore, this type of program is advisable to ensure continuous recuperation of the patient after undergoing treatment in a rehabilitation center ( outpatient). In accordance with the concept of outpatient rehabilitation program, I creationed a program convention for outpatient adolescents who engage in drug abuse. This program is formulated to contribute on the on-going campaign to lower the rate of adolescents that are suffering from drug abuse. The main objective lens of this program is to pr otect the adolescents from the risk of come along deterioration of drug abuse. Drug dependency in the puberty stage is a critical issue that needs to be addressed.Nevertheless, this program will make its own contribution to ease the problem of drug abuse. It will focus on reconstructive call ons for adolescents to come along effect recovery from drug abuse and addiction. Outpatient rehabilitation whitethorn be advisable among adolescents with minor drug abuse only. However, the program will also serve as a pencil eraser measure to ensure the effectivity of the rehabilitation center towards full recovery of the patient.Furthermore, the nates of this program are the teenagers who have undergone treatment in rehabilitation centers for treatment of drug abuse. With this design, adolescents will be advised to attend a program that will remark them interested to stay away from drugs and show them positive outcome of recovering from drug abuse. With the understanding that teenagers are having a solid time recovering from drug abuse, the design of this outpatient program will protect the iniatives done by the decisive adolescents to recover from drug abuse. Also, through this program, patients will get the cover of effective service to help be restored composure as they start to bestow their way to be part of the conjunction again. Furthermore, this program will work to concur the momentum of affecting change towards full recovery of adolescents from drug abuse. Its service will be characterized as a further rehabilitative medication for adolescents. To be an effective outpatient rehabilitation program for adolescents, the program is cool of major features to address accordingly the needed treatment for drug abuse. First on the list is to empower family support. This is to explain to the family that their efforts and business concern is needed for the recovery of the patient. Second, the Comprehensive fostering about drugs, which will moderate the pat ient the needed information about the proper use of drugs and its negative effect to the consistency if abused. With this, adolescents may understand that abusing drugs can cause serious effects in their wellness. three is counselling and sessions with a former adolescent drug abuser who succesfully recovered from addiction.The old purpose of which is to inspire the patient to work hard for recovery and instill positive views to stop drug abuse for a better life and future. Fourth is the Recretional Activity, which aims to give the patient a chance to be involved in various acitivities to recuperate confidence that will help him or her start a new life after engaging in drug addiction. Fifth is the Religious exercise. With this, adolescent drug abusers may realize the bright side of living a new life. detain of the features is regular check-ups of physician and psychiatrist to address proper medication and record the forward motion of the patient.ReferencesFocusas Adolescent ( 2008) Drugs and Teen Substance abuse Retrieved April 3 2008 http// (2007). What is a Drug replenishment Center. Retrieved April 3 2008 from http// outpatient(2008), Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Retrieved april 3, 2008 from http// powerfulness/Articles/Therapy+&+Rehab+Services/ Health. (2008). Adolescence. Retrieved April 3, 2008, from http//
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